For this week's theme, I decided to merge my painting and collage sentiment a little more. I started off building up a ground of collage, then I painted (faux-fresco style) the figures. I did it pretty quick... so it's a little rough round the edges. Hope you all enjoy.
Very nice! I love the swirly stars effect...
Beautiful and idea of lovers. Oh so nice!
Dreamy piece! I like seeing the edges of the collaged pieces all come together. The blues are beautiful.
i like the way you did the stars, very inventive. ;-)
Wow! The colors are exquisite!
I like your illustration a lot. The collaged background makes this much more dynamic.
very intruging. i really like the way you put everything together to make your world.
i love it andrew...i can see the stars shining
hi andrew...i love the pattern of the stars
Good work! Im really enjoying your fresco technique paired with the collage- very inventive!
Thanks for all the comments! It's totally inspiring.
To answer an anonymous emailed question... NOPE, the pieces in the up-coming show don't look like this in the slightest. Here and there you'll see some similarities, but Illustration Friday (when I have time to do it) is a nice challenge and diversion from my regular work. Sometimes they over-lap, but more often than not... they are completely separate.
the feeling of this piece is , current, dreamy, restful, searching, serene..... To me at least...
i really like this.
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