After viewing
Sleepwalkers, the plan was to find a quiet place to warm up and discuss our thoughts on the projections. The frigid temperatures must have befuddled our senses, because somehow we ended up wandering in the cold for like 45 minutes. Most of the places that we passed were some variation of a drunken -LOUD- sports bar.
We finally ended up at a place called
Rendez-vous on Time Square, which was this weird hybrid of a hookah bar,
falafel house, watering hole, and Top 40's remix dance party. It felt almost like one of those projections we had just seen.
It seemed like this place was a crossroads for travelers and visitors. In the murmured over-heard conversations, exotic foreign accents could be made out. Scanning the room revealed a diverse group of people. I can only imagine that our fellow patrons did not know where to go either. They ended up, like us, at this strange amalgamation.

Josh and I went with the flow and after a few beers, joined the small crowd on the dance-floor. Discussions on art were temporarily abandoned and gave way to more immediate conversations on "
who was dropping it like it was hot" or "
if the drinks had been somehow watered down" or if the couple next to us going to erupt into sluggish booty-dancing or sharp blows to the head. We knew no one except each other, but that didn't stop us from making fast and friendly dance partners of anyone willing to participate. It was a lot of fun and great to dance.
Above: Josh and his new (smitten) acquaintance, Jill, get their dance on for the camera.
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