Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Five More Minutes...

Paulo and Babette tried to use all their powers of cuteness and snuggling to keep me in bed this morning. The weather turned unseasonably chilly and their little warm bodies and hot paw-pads were a tempting distraction. It's hard to argue with such sweetness, but there's still a lot to do before I leave today. I inadvertently gave myself more work to cram in at the last minute by going grocery shopping the other day. I went to the market not even registering that I'd be gone later in the week and bought a ton of perishables. Now I've got to go through the kitchen in a mad frenzy to keep things from spoiling while I'm gone.

I'm also considering leaving my laptop at home. I'm loaded down like a pack mule and I can't see how I'm going to logistically carry everything AND my laptop. I'll still be updating my Twitter via my phone, but I think I'll just have to pass on carrying the extra electronics.


Lynn said...

Ya do what ya gotta do!!!

LissC said...

oh my gosh...those kitties are cutter then I can hardly stand!!! 5 minutes, shoot...I'm surprised you got out of bed at all with them pulling your heart strings.