Azalea's classes ended this past Friday, which has provided her ample opportunity to ham it up for her Uncle Andrew. To the left is a photo of Azalea sporting an octopus mask that curiously looks like it
belongs in Doctor Who or was dreamed up by
H.P. Lovecraft.
Well that is THE cutest little Ood I have ever seen.
What a cutie! You are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thanks for brightening up my day!
octogrrl go
Isn't that the cutest!!! I bet she loves having her uncle visit!
She's a sassy thing. I'm not as used to having a child around as I used to be. Azalea had made it her goal to scare me if she can and to hide all my things. The part with her jumping out of places is cute... the hiding things is not so much. But I have found that all I have to do is give her a raised eyebrow look and say, "I know where you put it." And she automatically runs back to the scene of the crime to try and discover if I do indeed know where she put it. It is good, because it cuts down on the time I have to spend on looking for said item... like my wallet, metal business card-holder, phone, and/or GPS.
She is a lucky little girl to be growing up with such talented parents and Uncle Andrew of course.
I often wonder when I see pictures of her what beautiful art she will be bringing into to this sometimes ugly world.
One day we may all be blogging on her blog and telling her stories of her Uncle Andrew, "I remember when your Uncle...." Ha
Azalea is a lucky girl. I think Greg and Cynthia have tried really hard to fill in the gaps of their own childhoods. When we were growing up, our family didn't have a lot of money and there were times when we did without or relied upon our own inventiveness. Field trips and movie theaters were luxuries, thrift stores (before they were cool) were a norm, and pristine sheets of white blank paper were reserved for adult usage only. Instead, we created our own worlds, invented our own stories, embellish and customized our clothes, and used the backs of dittos or junk mail. We found a way. Azalea is lucky because she'll have the fun of inventing with the support of her entire family, without the frustration and emotional battlefield of having to do so out of necessity.
Azalea is always creating. Earlier this evening, while I was wire-wrapping and making earrings for sale, she was making her own "fashions" as she calls them.
We thought about giving her a blog now, but found out that she started taking herself too seriously when she knew that her work was posted and that people liked it. If something didn't turn out, it was like the end of the world. So, it might be awhile before she has her own.
And!!! Azalea gets to go to an art school for kids. We would have lost our minds to go to a school devoted solely towards education through art.
Andrew, your blog is really good due to so much of your hardwork, if you want that ur work should higly appreciated then submit your blog in any pack then see blogerzoom.com promote your blog nonstop..
Andrew thanks for sharing this glimspe into your family and childhood. I can't bring myself to do that on my blog and never will. I'm a very private person. There are people that have known me for years and never knew anything about me. It's my job to help, and listen to people carefully, not the other way around.
Art School, wow. HOw I would love to go myself.
My parents had talent to, but nothing that ever cultivated anything good. We had to learn that on our own and fill in the voids on the way.
P.S. Azalea sounds like a perfectionist. Sound like anyone you know?
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