Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Giveaway...

This week, one lucky winner will take home TWELVE coin pendants courtesy of my Shop! My sister, Cynthia Thornton, carved the original molds of the four designs. I have been making pendants from the molds out of bronze, copper, and porcelain with a fine-silver coating and they are available exclusively in my Shop. I'm really excited about them and hope you are too! The winner will take home a set of four in each material! The prize has a value of over $220!!! This is probably one of the biggest Thursday Giveaways EVER! CLICK HERE to see the full selection available in my Shop!

To win these awesome pendants is easy! All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. One lucky winner will be randomly selected from the comment section of this post on Monday (May 30th) at midnight EST. Anonymous comments won't land this prize, so be sure to include your name and email address if it doesn't already appear next to your comment. This giveaway is open to all participants, including international readers.

Bonus Points: How bad do you want these pendants? If you're seriously lusting after them, you can earn additional entries to win by blogging, updating your Facebook page, and/or Twittering about this Thursday Giveaway. Don't forget to add you act of social media kindness as a SEPARATE comment to this blog post for your extra shot at winning these pieces from my Shop!


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Taffy said...

These are awesome! I'd love one. Or two.

Nancy Markosky said...

Wow- what a great give away! I have been drooling over these in your last few posts and would love to win some. Thank You!!

Hannah said...

I absolutely love those!

Lorelei Eurto said...

Pleeeeease let me be the winner!!! lovely giveaway Andrew, thank you for your generosity!

Lorelei Eurto said...

i facebooked the giveaway.

Lorelei Eurto said...

i done twittered. ;)

Libby said...

I'd love to win them - you always have such cool giveaways!

callyria at yahoo dot com

Michael and Cherrie Fick said...

I have been eyeing them. I'll Fb right now.

Erin S said...

Erin S

AJ said...

Wow, how could I possibly pass up the chance to win this prize?

My e-mail is aere at erthefae dot net :D

AJ said...

I tweeted!

AJ said...

And posted to Facebook!

Stacey B said...

These are GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Do Be Do Bead Do said...

Amazing Andrew...

Do Be Do Bead Do said...

I tweeted @sandileejames

Trish said...

Oh, my....makin' me drool here! I would SO love to have these wonderful beauties...ah, the possibilities!
Please pick my name...:-)


Mimi said...

Absolutely love these! Ideas for using them are already going through my head. . . :) Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Courtney Breul said...

Oh please, oh please! These are amazing!!!!! Thanks for the chance.

Mimi said...

Linked on my facebook page too! :)

Alice said...

A beautiful collection! I'd love to own them......

Alice said...

I just added this to my FB page.

Mary Lynne said...

These are beautiful, Andrew. I'd love to win them. Thanks for the opportunity.

Courtney Breul said...

I just blogged!

pupton said...

Andrew, what a great give away! Lovely coins! I want to win!

Pat Upton
pupton58 at gmail dot com

SueBeads said...

Love love love them Andrew! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SueBeads said...

I posted on facebook!

Claire Maunsell said...

They are pretty incredible, Andrew, we are obviously all suffering severe coin lust...

Unknown said...

I Blogged about this!

Unknown said...

I face~Booked this too!
Just Awesome Andrew!

Shannon Chomanczuk said...


Kiki said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Kiki said...

I have facebooked this giveaway!

Ann said...

Wow, they really turned out great!


rockcreekcreations said...

those are AWESOME!!

Vintajia Adornments said...

Andrew these are delightful charms and such a generous give away.

moonlitfantaseas said...

what an amazing give away!! I have been drooling over these since you introduced them.......would love to win!!!

gigi said...

We have a few friends in common Andrew, where have you been hiding? LoL You have such a lovely givaway. I think I'm going to enjoy reading your blog very much.

Elizabeth said...

Wow, what a haul. I definitely want a try at this give away. Good luck everyone

Regina said...

12! all 12? if I win I get all 12? What a bonanza that would be? Thank you! They are gorgeous!

Michelle Mach said...

Beautiful! I'd love to win just *one* (so if you pick my name, send the other 11 to another deserving winner)!

Heidi Post said...

Drool~~~ I would LOVE to win these, WOW!

Heidi Post said...

And I just posted it to my Facebook:

Woo hoo!

Unknown said...

Wow, how could anyone possibly pass up the chance to win this prize?

Anonymous said...

Awesome, awesome giveaway!! I would love to have them!!!

Unknown said...

Twittered this amazing giveaway too:)

Anonymous said...

I twittered about them here

Anonymous said...

and facebooked about them here

Thank you, Andrew!!!

Brandy Boyd said...

I adore your work as well as your sister's. These are so fab! And it would be an amazing early birthday present if I was to win. And of course I would share with my fellow June birthday babies :)

Edwards Hayslett Fine Art said...

Wonderful, wonderful charms! I would love to win them.

wizardewu said...

These are beautiful pendants.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

Facebook post:
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Cindy Cima said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

Cindy Cima said...

Shared on FB

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

Beautiful! Thanks for such a generous giveaway.

jamberry_song said...

FABULOUS giveaway! These pieces are wonderful. I hope it's not too late to enter. :3

Kylie Parry Studios said...

awesome in every way! LOVE them!!


TesoriTrovati said...

Smack me upside the head, Andrew! This is one AWESOME prize package. I would love to win, but since that is not likely I will keep my eye on your shop... will these be debuting at Bead & Button? Since I totally missed you last year because of my unfortunate car troubles, I will be stopping by your booth FIRST!
Enjoy the day!

Kylie Parry Studios said...

I facebooked...


Jenny said...

OMG - these pendants are insanely beautiful!!

KayzKreationz said...

I love those pendants. I would love a chance to win them.

KayzKreationz said...

Just tweeted about this giveaway.

KayzKreationz said...

Just posted to my facebook about your giveaway.

angie said...

i am a new reader of your blog and am really enjoying it! you and your sister are very talented...hoping to win those coin pendants! :)

Haegaerpr Jewelry by Martin Caraballo said...

amazing giveaway... i hope win something.I post in my facebook.

quickcer said...

WOW!! Love the designs. You are so talented.

quickcer said...

Posted to my facebook
Linda Courtemanche

Howell said...

Fabulous giveaway!
hlee99 at gmail dot com

Howell said...

Posted to Facebook:
hlee99 at gmail dot com

Howell said...

hlee99 at gmail dot com

Nally said...

Absolutely adorable!
nallyblue at gmail dot com

Nally said...

I blogged about the giveaway at

Nally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nally said...

And shared on a facebook:!/profile.php?id=100001817290794

Nicola said...

Oh yes please! What a wonderful giveaway!!!! Would love to have one in my collection! Email address is

Alisa said...

I could never resist! Someone will be so very lucky...

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

What an amazing giveaway! Wow, thank you for the opportunity to win these little treasures.


Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

I'm posting to Facebook now! :-)

My Life Under the Bus said...

Holy Moly Gorgeous!!!

My Life Under the Bus said...

Posting this to my Facebook page!

My Life Under the Bus said...

I am blogging about this!

The Cabin Path said...

T love your work! and your blog! I lost my sister about a year ago to ovarian cancer....she and I use to create many projects (sewing, painting, jewelry) but never clay..but we wanted to..Recently, I got a wheel and a small kiln. I love that you and your sister can work together! It's beautiful!

Susan Marling said...

Those are awesome!! What a generous giveaway - would love to win. Ideas are dancing around in my head. My granddaughter would love the owl - that is her big thing now. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

This could be the best giveaway yet!

Christine said...

Amazing pendants - you & your sister do beautiful work! What a wonderful way to work together!!

Noemi said...

Love them, love them!
Please count me in.
A big hug from Spain.

peacockfairy said...

Wow - how wonderful! I'd love to win!

Holly said...

What a super generous giveaway! Thank you so much for offering them to us :)

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

I just posted to my blog as well! Thanks

Hope said...

These are beautiful! What a great birthday present they would be!

somethingunique said...

OMG!!!! what a generous giveaway that would b awesome to win count me in ttfn L:)

My Life Under the Bus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Niky Sayers said...

Wow such a fantastic giveaway!

somethingunique said...

Hi Andrew i blogged you generous giveaway

Jerri said...

...oh, how I hope I win!

Whitney Taylor said...

These are amazing!!! What a great giveaway!

Whitney said...

shared on Facebook:

Shala Kerrigan said...

Oh how lovely!

Jade said...

I love them.. Good luck charms for my girls & such.. Is there a Ladybug, a Butterfly, & a Tinkerbell type fairy? Those are nicknames of my girls..

Bionic Mommy said...

Been a fan for a long time. Love everything you do! I love the looks of these items, and would be honored to get one! They seem timeless.

AliBaubles said...

Gorgeous gorgeous pendants!!! Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! :)

Shala Kerrigan said...!/shala_beads/status/74162816256458753

Shala Kerrigan said...
And on Facebook.

Barbara said...

My very very favorite kind of pendant: rustic, not too shiny, wonderful living creatures... would they ever look good with my necklaces!!!!! I love them !!

Cynthia said...

OH! EM! GEE! What a fabulous giveaway, the best ever!!

kat said...

I've twittered your giveaway at jewelsbykat!!

kat said...

Such an amazing giveaway.... thanks for the chance to win!!

Cornerstoregoddess said...

Such gorgeous textures. Oooooh!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! Soooo pretty! I hope I have a chance!

glwoodyard said...

Oh, my gosh....these are awesome!! I can already see the cool necklaces I could make with them!!! I hope my name is in the running :)

Heather Leavers said...

how badly do I want them? veeeerrrrry badly :-)

Heather Leavers said...

shared on facebook

Heather Leavers said...!/NiftyKnits/status/74193449380880384 tweeted it too

Nicole Ciali said...

Stunning work

doodypops said...

These are so amazing! Pick me! i would even share the bounty!

doodypops said...

posted on facebook cuz i want them sooo much!

doodypops said...

Tweeted too! I will share with Heather if I win!

Terri said...

Gorgeous! I like that your sister helped carve the designs for you! :)

Joana said...

Oh! How I would love to win these!
They are gorgeous!
Good luck to all!

Joana said...

Shared on Facebook as well! The more the merrier, although I selfishly wanted to keep this one for me to increase even a tad the chances of winning. But seeing all the Comments here I know my chances are bad.
Still, I hope they go to a good home, and my people on facebook all would do these wondrous pieces justice!
Just in case:
(janaitapstr ((at)) gmail ((dot)) com)

Anonymous said...

Very cooool! count me in-o-rama!

Elly Snare said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I've been lusting after the raven pendant for a while now...

Email is eleanorsnare[a]hotmail[dot]com

Paula Lee M. said...

Oh boy, everyone wants to win! These are super neat (showing my age!) but then so are all the work of the Thornton family. I hope I am blessed as the winner. I have some great ideas for them. Thank you as always for your generousity with the giveaways.

Paula Lee said...

I shared this on Facebook too.

becca said...

I love 'em! Very nice. And I would be thrilled to win. =)

sunsetblue said...

Any one of these would be wonderful, but twelve is amazing.

Mellisa said...

Oooh, this is a really good one Andrew! Thanks for the chance :)

Karyn B said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Bette said...

These are so awesome, they look Greek and yet so "current". I love them and would love to make these into some bracelets and necklaces!

Anonymous said...

LOVE these! SO sharing on FB. :)

Doreen said...

Such a wonderful giveaway!! Wowzer! Please enter me.

Bonnie Ryan said...

They are exquisite! And such a great idea for sharing your wares and showing us your talent. Thank you!

June said...

Love them, what a great giveaway :o)
bugchick at mac dot com

Jennifer said...

How beautiful...and very inspiring! Love them! Thank you for the opportunity!

June said...

I've Facebooked your giveaway both as myself and on my selling page, Goddess-Jewels.
bugchick at mac dot com

fiona mcbeth said...

what a fab give away, and what lovely items.

As soon as I work out how, I will post it to facebook

fiona mcb said... have posted to facebook

MoonRae said...

Amazing!! Thanks so much for your generosity and the opportunity to win them!! you're such a sweetie

jamberry_song said...

So many comments, so exciting! :D I've posted about it on my facebook page:

DWB said...

I would love to win these, count me in! And, thanks for the chance to win your fab pendants!

DWB said...

I also facebooked your blog giveaway

DWB said...

And twittered your blog giveaway!

Gaea said...

Andrew! That is one crazy cool giveaway! Yahoo!

Gaea said...

I got all bloggy with it!

Gaea said...

AND Facebooky with it!

Gaea said...


Alice Howe said...

An amazing collection of dynamite work. Well done! What a sweet giveaway.


zaftig said...

Sweet!! If I were to win? I would "gift" them at Burningman this year!

zaftig said...

posted on Facebook :)

Kathy said...

WOw, awesome giveaway and on my birthday too!!! Hope I get it :D

Kathy said...

just posted it on my facebook page!!!!!!!

Juliette said...

Absolutely beautiful talent, and artwork. I would love to feature these in some of my designs. Thanks for this contest!

Brandy Boyd said...

Retweeted! :) you're so good to your fans

Doreen said...

Posted about this on Facebook!!

Jackie said...

I just found you today while hopping around. I'm so loving your blog, I'll certainly become a regular! Lovely pieces, I'd love to win them.

sandi m said...

What a generous giveaway ~ these are all so beautiful.
(Please, please bring some to B&B, too.)

Tonja Lenderman said...

They are really beautiful. I especially love the copper color. :) What a generous give away !!!!

Anne betenson said...

Absolutely love these! Very classical. My mind's eye is already thinking up designs with them,love,Anne.

naomicatgirl said...

What lovely pendants! My favourite is copper. Just sayin`!

Deborah said...

WOW!! Aren't these GORGEOUS! I would love to win!

Thanks SO much for this giveaway!

EmandaJ said...

Gorgeous pieces and a wonderful giveaway -- please count me in!


Doreen said...

I blogged about your giveaway too!

Kelly Massman said...

How fun! thanks for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

beautiful, & so generous, thanks Andrew

Melinda said...

How lovely, what a fabulous giveaway! :)

Melinda said...

Just shared on FB ~

Candy Tutt said...

As something of an historian, I am fascinated by the cross-cultural themes of these pieces. As a jewelry designer, I admire the workmanship in the designs. I would LOVE to receive them and create timeless wearable art!

Sally Anderson said...

Ooooh. I'd love to win this one! Going to FB it now. Thanks, Andrew.

Unknown said...

Oh I would love to be entered - pleazzee :)

Bead Soup Mix

maska said...

What a fabulous giveaway.
Hugs from Norway. :)

Bettina Groh said...

Love to win!! Please enter me!

JoaniB said...

gorgeous pieces! Please count me in. Joani

ajf1703 said...

These are so amazing, I especially like the swirling designs; they look very fossil-esque.

Connie said...

these are fabulous! I NEED these!

Connie said...

I facebooked it! I really like the birds. are these made from copper/silver/bronze clays? love them!

marie said...

They are all beautiful.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Readg4fun at yahoo dot com

Susanna Originals said...

Oh my gosh, I read my updates just in time! What a generous giveaway!

Susanna Originals said...

Ran a link on my blog, although it's a little late.

Cillaw said...

Awesome Prize!
Count me in!

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

What a collection. No doubt I would absolutely love to win your beautifully hand crafted coin pendants made of bronze, copper and porcelain with silver coating to boots. Your sister, Cynthia Thornton, is quite talented at carving the molds you used. I can't wait till Thursday to see if I win. I certainly will add your blog to my facebook and twitter and other pages. Thanks Andrew for the opportunity to win. Barbara Olivo Cagle visit me too on fb and on my book page 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.

Toni Young said...

Your writing and pictures are as inspiring to the heart as your creations are to the eye....

jhitomi said...

Wow that would be enough to give as gifts to friends. Or wear a new pendant every month for a year!
Jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Lubna said...

These are beautiful. I love the owl.
Thanks for being generous to host these as giveaways.

Louise said...

Wow are they ever great.They inspire me also!
Maybe I can make myself molds like your sister does for you.
I wonder how she does them?

Ms. Lahtidah said...

Awesome pendants! I lust for them!
Suz W.

Dinni said...

What a great giveaway :-)

Maneki said...

Gorgeous pendants -- of cause I want a chance to win them! Thanks for doing this generous giveaway!

Maneki said...

I've also blogged about the giveway (at Wild roses).

Jenny Steinbeck said...

Wow, these are gorgeous. I have admired them in previous postings. Thanks for having a giveaway! Very, very generous!

Roseimelda said...

Extremely cool.

Rebecca said...

Hi ANdrew, I love these beautiful pendants of yours and have admired them since you blogged about them....what a generous soul you are!

Rebecca said...

And I tweeted...songbead...x

Misty said...

These are gorgeous!!!! Love them all!!!

Charly said...

Pick me!!

charlyrambin at yahoo dot com

Charly Rambin said...

I posted a link on my Facebook page!

charly rambin

charlyrambin at yahoo dot com

cw whitedogjewelry said...

Wow! these are wonderful, thanks for the generous giveaway!
I posted a link to Facebook.
I'll post the finished design if I win these great pieces.

JoAnn said...

What cool coins! Your sister is a gifted artist! You're lucky to be able to collaborate with her. I've posted on my FB and also blogged about your give away!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Andrew! Those are just gorgeous!

Mrs. B. said...

Hope it isn't too late. Please include me and this gorgeous giveaway.

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