Today we went with
the Botanical Society of Westmoreland County on a field trip to
Duff Park in Murrysville, PA. Duff Park runs parallel with Turtle Creek and Route 22. It's a natural area that's heavily wooded with a large variety of plants. The walk was led by
Botanical Society member Pia Van De Venne, who is also the Volunteer Coordinator for the parks in Murrysville. Pia specializes in native plants and the removal of invasive ones.
CLICK HERE to read the article about Pia in the
Murrysville Star. It was nice to enjoy the beautiful day and learn more about the plants in the area, especially with such a knowledgable crowd. I did recognize some plants from our field trip last weekend to the Westmoreland County Heritage Trail, which was really nice. Many of the spring flowers have faded, so it was particularly challenging to identify plants from other identifications, like leaf shape and size and plant location.
I've added the photos taken on the walk to a Flickr set.
CLICK HERE to check them out!
Sounds like a great field trip, I'm always most at home in nature. :)
It was really educational. We're considering volunteering at the park, even though it's pretty far, so that we can learn more.
I've always found peace in nature, but even more nowadays. It is the great teacher. All we have to do is listen and look to learn.
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