I bundled up and took a walk today. The sky was grey and threatened to rain again... and again... and again. I normally would have stayed inside on a day like today, but I knew that I needed to get out of the house. I've felt too stagnant lately, stewing inside the walls of my home. Perhaps I had a touch of cabin fever? In any event, I bundled up and took a walk today. The cold air made my lungs sting. My breath escaped my lips in thin, wispy, ribbons of steam. I could tell without seeing myself in a mirror that my nose was red.

An injured tree bleeds sap. Rain runs down the tree. Droplets of water form where the clusters of oozed out jelly have collected. I know, without needing to be told, that this tree will not survive the winter. I can see it, without seeing it, laying partially buried by a snowdrift. It is a black line peeking from beneath a blanket of whiteness. But today it is still grey out and has yet to fade to white, and the tree still stands.
Wonderful things do come from grey days. When everything seems dead, you still found beautiful color and testure. I've come to love your walks in the woods, and I thank you for sharing them with us.
Wonder comes from your fingertips and from your eye. Thank you for this foray into the beauty of the softly sleeping forest.
Enjoy the day!
Wow! These are really nice photos! Especially like the forest shot. Maybe I'll use it for reference for your painting.
Your walk is poetry and I am so glad you shared it through such lovely pictures.
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