You might have noticed that I haven't been online much these days. Between running to the hospital (an hour away) for tests and then recovering from said tests, I haven't had much time or motivation to write. I just feel so tired lately. A blog reader wrote in to say that the anesthesia that they use to put one under for surgery doesn't completely go away. It becomes absorbed by the fatty tissue and then slowly releases over time as the compounds break down. Might be the reason that I feel so sluggish recently?
It might also be that I haven't made anything recently. Whenever I pick up my tools, I get distracted and start thinking about what paper I have to fill out, what appointment I have next, if I can eat or drink 24 hours before my next appointment, if I can drink coffee or have a glass of wine... I get caught up and by the time I've hacked away at these questions, the tools feel cold and my hands feel lifeless.

So many things can put a damper on creativity--even little things like paperwork, or in my case--a messy house.
I'm sending you good thoughts of healing and a spark in your creativity.
Intrigued... I will go over to read that shortly. I am doing that right now. I am playing with new techniques and exploring possibilities... I am doing just enough to get me by so that when I do take the next leap I will be doing it with fully functioning wings.
I am praying for you Andrew and sending peace your way.
Enjoy the day!
Andrew take this down time to gain strength again and rest. You will feel better in time. I feel for you as this is not an easy time for you. Rejoice that you have many who love and care for you. For we are rooting on the side lines for you! And praying too! ox
There are times to just do what needs to be done and sleep to let your body recover… Listen to your body and let your mind find peace. You will find your way again and things will be different… you will settle into your new mental place, find motivation, inspiration and all that you need soon enough.
I have some new pieces being created that have the intention of helping you out financially and maybe letting you take this sabbatical with a little more ease… Will be in touch about them soon. I also have some seeds and their pods (the pods are quite interesting too) that will be on their way to you soon for spring's new growth…
Listen to your body… Rest now so if you do need to find energy to fight anything that comes about with these tests - you are more prepared…
Hugs to you Andrew!
Andrew - our bodies give us clues all the time and most of the time we don't take the time to listen... rest yourself up... and in due time the creativity and desire to be creative will return.
i pray that you will be completely and fully healed and rested soon.
missed seeing you at the show in october. tucson in february? maybe... until then - aloha
At times like this, it's so important to put yourself first and do what's best for you. I hope you have love and support surrounding you in person as well as through the ether. Anaesthetics can take a few weeks to get over but you know, being forcibly put to sleep is a big deal! Your body has gone through a lot of trauma and if it's telling you to rest and take things easy then it's best to listen, rest and recharge.
Sounds like dream pie to me!
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