This week, one lucky winner will score this huge pile of Vintage Reproduction Glass Beads! They come courtesy of the fine folks at Eclectica! The beads are made out of two-tone glass in original vintage molds. They're newly crafted in Germany and have a retail value of $200! What I love about these beads is their timeless designs; although they've got a vintage vibe, they'd be perfect for contemporary jewelry – especially in some really cool Steampunk pieces. Want to see the full selection of Vintage Reproduction Glass beads from Eclectica, CLICK HERE. They've got a wide array to choose from!

EXTRA Bonus Points: Wait, that's not all! You can earn yet ANOTHER chance to win these beads by "Liking" Eclectica on Facebook. Take a trip over to their page, make sure you're signed in, and click "LIKE". (If you already LIKE them that's cool too – keep up the good work!) Once you've successfully liked them, report back here and comment again saying that you've accomplished the task! CLICK HERE to visit their Facebook page.
173 comments: these beads a lot! They are like my other special "A.T." pieces!
What a gorgeous collection of beads! I 'clicked' and bookmarked Eclectica's website. I will be making a purchase from them soon. Thanks for sharing such great bead websites.
OK. Was having some problems with the link for Facebook ...but persistence won! Now "Liked", and will probably be hooked on their beads!
These beads are luscious! Many ideas for using them.
Stunning! I'd love to work with them.
Gorgeous! Thanks for the chance, Andrew!
Now tweeted! I will go back and add a link to thus site.
#NF a really cool artist Andrew Thornton, @ArdentTie . I'm entering his Thursday giveaway for gorgeous beads! Wish me luck. :')
Whoo hoo! Really need a bead fix. You have great taste.
Facebook status changed:
Jewelry designers ...check out Andrew Thornton's Thursday Giveaway! He's an awesome designer, with a great stash of goodies!
those beads are gorgeous and i would love to win them!
You are such an enabler! LOL! I love their beads and now I LIKE them on FB!
Those are some gorgeous beads! I don't just like them, I lust for them! If I don't win, I may be forced by the bead fairies to buy some similar ones from Eclectica!
Mouth wateringly luscious! Would love to make them mine
Loving the chance to win these beauties, count me in Andrew!!
WOW,I've already bookmarked the site, now I'm off to peruse it!
Lovely beads Andrew!!
Your Giveaways are wonderful!
Thank you for your generosity.
I have also LIKED their page!
Okay, I'm commenting and I feel like winning!!
kjkoukla(at(hot mail (dot( com
I "Liked" Eclectica on Facebook. Now all my friends will be jealous when I win!
kjkoukla(at(hot mail (dot( com
I would love to win!!
i tweeted about your giveaway!/peggyapl/status/84105169259859969
thanks for another chance to win!
Great beads, Thanks for the chance.
Beautiful beads, I really like the cream colored one with the pink highlights.
I liked Eclectica on facebook.
I blogged about the give away on my blog
your giveaway is on my sidebar. thanks for another chance to win!
Just look at those colorS! Love them!
Your beads are stunning! I haven't seen many bead artists focusing on a vintage style! They fit right into my own vintage inspired jewelry designs! Beautiful work, Andrew!
So I scrolled down to this post and guess what the cat does.....?! She sits on the desk (she NEVER sits on the lap top..well not that I know of), tail in my face and hardly would allow me to leave this comment...I think the cat ("Charlie") has a serious desire/fas-in-a-tion to win this do I enter her name or mine.....
Darby >^..^<
Wonderful beads! I've been lusting for some of the flowery double drilled ones for ages!
And as always your giveaways are the best!
Of course, I shared on Facebook!
Good luck to all participants!!
And I also liked Eclectica's Facebook!
One more online place where I need to go shopping for beads!
Thank you!
Wow!!! so very generous :)) Love these beads!!!
Can a girl ever have too many beads?
Cool stuff, haven't seen those beads around here and I'm German:-)
Nice beads, great opportunity. Thanks.
As always a beautiful giveaway!
Love the beads! Eclectica was fun--was just there last weekend!
They are gorgeous and lovely, colors are wonderful!!
They are gorgeous and lovely, colors are wonderful!!
Wonderful, they are a dream, I love them!!
What pretty beads! Patsy.paterno (at) from
Tweeted about your giveaway as patsypat. Patsy.paterno (at) from
Beautiful beads! Thanks for the opportunity!
I "liked" Eclectica on Facebook!!
Gorgeous beads! Thank you for such a generous giveaway.
How beautiful....would love these beads. Love your giveaways and the Virtual Yard Sale. How exciting! As you will see in my latest blog post at, I am on a mission.
Już mam pomysł na wykorzystanie kamyczków...
Lubię na FB i udostępniam link.
I'd LOVE to win these!!
And for an extra chance, I liked Eclectica on FB!
OK, like on fb and link on my blog :D
Yummy beads!
Now I'm Eclectica's fan on Facebook :)
Love these beads...does anyone else have it when you see a group of beads you immediately start figuring out designs and patterns in your head???
Hi Andrew, OMG i don't know how you keep doint it but you have outdone yourself again OMG i would love to win this amazing stash of beautiful beads!!
thnaks for these amazing giveaway's
ttfn Lana
Hi Andrew, i logged in and like their face book page :)
Gorgeous beads, beautiful colors!
Hi Andrew, sorry i forgot the "w" on your name on my comment on Eclectia's F.B. page i know you name is not (Andre):( i was just so excited i forgot to check my spelling. I think i face booked it i find face book so confusing when Jack get's home from his exam i will have him help me out LOL & i have been biding all morn i think i have a couple i am still winning :)
take care ttfn Lana
posted to my facebook page :D
Lovely. What a great collection of beads. Thanks for the chance.
Just tweeted about these beads and your giveaway.
Just posted on facebook about your giveaway.
It was already in Polish, now in English ...
I already have an idea for the use of stones ...
I like the FB and publish the link.
Andrew, I put it on facebook!
Oooo I would love those! :)
Oooo I would love those! :)
Hi Andrew, I love your blog, read it ever time you post, thanks for the opportunity to be included in your giveaway...Have a great weekend and a great Fourth!! Keep on beadin on...
Thank you for the giveaway! These look beautiful!
What a wonderful set of beads!
Beautiful! Fingers crossed. . .
I love german glass beads and these are no exception -- gorgeous! Of cause I want a chance to win these.
Thanks for this loveley giveaway, Eclectica and Andrew, and happy midsummer's eve!
Lovely beads, would be tickled to win 'em!
I admit that I have had a long running love affair with beautiful vintage glass beads and Eclectica in Brookfield, Wi.
I love to use them in my steam punk Victorian jewelry pieces. have I mentioned how much love them?
Liked Eclectica from both my personal and fan page.
Beautiful Beads! Thanks for the chance to win.
So dreamy, just like you Andrew. Thank you for all of these wonderful & fun giveaways.
Hi Andrew, please count me in!!
Just liked their page.
Hi Andrew, i think i got it on F.B.!/
ttfn Lana :0
There so very very pretty! I would give these to my brother to make beautiful jewelry!
Oooh YUM! Thanx so Much for Playing Andrew! =D) Mx
Shared on FaceBook...!
... and on Twitter...!
Fanned Eclectica on Facebook! =) Thanx again for Playing this Awesome GiveAway! =D)
Happilicious weekend, Warm greetz from the Netherlands! =) Mx
I want them! lol..
Renita Ruiz
I've also "liked" Eclectica :)
So.. enter me again!
Renita Ruiz
I also shared your blog and giveaway on Facebook!
These beads are gorgeous. My fingers are itching to touch them! Off to like Eclectica now, and thanks for the chance to win!
Paula Meyncke
These beads are awesome! Thanks for the giveaway! :-D
I've just "Liked" you on Facebook :-D
Wonderful collection,Andrew.
Eclectica is such a cool, beady place.
Thanks so much for the giveaway! These beads are absolutely beautiful!
Hi there! I just "liked" Ecletica beads with my personal page. Debra Beach ~
Hi there! I just "liked" Ecletica beads with my business page String Bead Studio. Debra Beach ~
Hi there! I just tweeted about your Thursday giveaway. :) Debra Beach ~
Hi there! I just posted about your Thursday Giveaway on my personal page. Debra Beach ~
Hi there! I just posted about your Thursday Giveaway on my business page String Bead Studio. Debra Beach ~
Lovely beads...I'll hurry over to Eclectica once I wipe the drool off the keyboard.
Visited and Liked (Loved!!) Eclectica's page. Always love a new link!
I like a lot this beads, colours are amazing and thanks for given a chance to international readers, we don't get this chances to often... now I go for the facebook to see the Eclectica page....
These beads are amazing!
OK... I did blog about this beauties
did the LIKE job on facebook too...
and save Eclectica site on my favorites due to the lovely stock they have in there
I remember my granny having some similar leaf beads. These are delicious.
pick me! They are lovely!
Oh wow! Those are so cool. Thanks for sharing them.
thanks for offering this contest. would love to have these beads!
I am checking out your site. Thank you for offering a giveaway.
OMG!!!! Them beads are amazing
Beautiful beads- thanks for the great give away! I also enjoyed looking at your creations on ebay that you are selling- looks like some great pieces. nmarkosky(at)comcast(dot)net
Oh, I would love to win, Andrew! Thanks, again, for a great giveaway.
Ooh, those beads are gorgeous!
Those beads are so lovely.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
Facebook post:
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
What gorgeous beads! I'd love to have these
WOW! Simply gorgeous!!!
WOW! Simply gorgeous!!!
Very nice beads; I haven't seen this type before and will definitely visit Eclectica! I'd love to win this loot!
I also "like" their FB page now -- and I love their flower beads! nom nom nom...
Oh they're so beautiful! -Darlene
Here's my tweet!/irishlassieshop
Here is my facebook too
I love these Vintage Reproduction Glass Beads! These would be the would be a great find. Thanks!!
I would love to add these gorgeous beads to my collection!
I just tweeted your giveaway
What a great giveaway. These beads are wonderful. Such immediate inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to own them.
Love those beads!! beautiful!!!
nice ones!
Just to let you know - I wrote about it in my facebook.... :)
I've also blogged about it here:
Going from this giveaway to the ebay site to check out your jewelry.
Thanks for all having a yard sale.
How pretty!! I love these beads!!!
What a gorgeous bunch of beads!!Thanks for the opportunity to win them
Sharon Siqueiros likes Eclectica on FB
Once again you post some beautiful beads. Always enjoy reading your blog.
and I liked Eclectica on FB -
catching up on blog posts I missed and boy am I glad I am! Well I will be if I am this weeks winner :-)
So pretty...I'd love to win these!
I'm a facebook fan now!
I'm a facebook fan, too. These beads are gorgeous.
What an amazing opportunity to own some of your even more amazing beads. I enjoyed reading your blog, liked Eclectica's FB page and invited all of my friends far and wide to do the same. Would love to FEED MY NEED with your YUMMY beads!!!
Wonderful beads - I would love to win them!!
I am a Facebook fan! :)
Want, want, want! What lovely beads. =)
I "liked" it on FB! =)
I would love to win!
Just liked Eclectica on Facebook
Just blogged on Blogger:
Just added a post to my facebook page:!/pages/Pine-Ridge-Treasures/205451472805925
Beautiful beads! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Just "liked" Eclectica on Facebook!
Please enter me!
I have Facebooked!
I have also liked Ecclectica on Facebook!
Dear Andrew, What else is there to say except -"PLEASE" and "Thank YOU" if I win! Also, I don't think I've ever seen prettier beads than the florally cobalt blue one hiding up in the upper right corner!
PS My email is
I liked on FB too!
Again, my email address is
Rising Designs
Thank you for the chance!
I guess there is only one more thing to say-Please pick me!
I liked them on Facebook!
Oh, simply gorgeous selection... Someone's going to walk away from this giveaway extremely happy. ;) Thanks, as always, Andrew!
These would be great beads for my bed embroidery projects!! Thanks for the chance.
"Liked" Eclectica on FB!
Oooo Laaaa Laaaa!! I love these crazy. Thanks for the chance! Liked Eclectica on FB also btw ;))
I thought I had left a comment the other day, but I must be getting forgetful. Glad I came back to check!
Beautiful grouping of beads!
That pile of beads is just gorgeous!
Thanks Andrew Love the beads.
Oyh these are so beautiful. I don't have much winning these but these are definitely worth trying!
I posted on facebook and on twitter!
For the second bonus I also like Eclectica on Facebook :D.
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