This week's word is "shine". Create a piece of jewelry, a work of art, or take a picture that, in your opinion, best captures the meaning of the word. Think about the word and its different interpretations and how it makes you feel. Translate it into whatever medium you'd like and then post about it on your blog. Once you've uploaded your blog post, copy and paste the URL into a new comment on this post. Be sure to check out what others are making, inspired by the weekly word. Don't delay; you have a week until the new word is posted.
So, I am 3.5 years older than my brother. The first thing I said when I saw him was a comment about his shiny eyes. Guess what my father has called him ever since...
Just thought you needed to know. lol
Hi Andrew, i am new to your creative group of bloggers & i really enjoy your posts, they are very creative & thoughtful. Mine is not quite set up yet i am working on it,not so good on the computer and a friend of mine is helping me take pics of my collection i hope to open my etsy shop soon. i have only been selling at art & craft show & summer festivals for the last three years but am excided to expand as my collection is selling well. keep up the wonderful posts i look forward to them. Lana from Ontario Canada
Here what I wrote and took pictures of in response to "shine".
I took up the challenge this week. A first for me...
Here's my first entry in your word challenge, Andrew.
I drove for 2 hours today in constant rain and couldn't stop thinking about the word "shine" as I enjoyed the muted colours being revealed all around me by the rain and melting snow.
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