Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Giveaway...

This week, one lucky winner will take home a set of NEW ImpressArt metal letter stamps courtesy of PJ Tool & Supply. The metal stamps are precision cut from carbon steel and come in a convenient plastic carrying case. Up for grabs is the uppercase Wonderland stamp set. These artist-designed stamps are whimsical with an air of fantasy and Art Nouveau elegance! (The set has a $70 retail value!)

As a BONUS prize, this week's winner will also take home an ImpressArt Design stamp of a wing from the Animals & Nature Series!

What I love about metal stamps is that they make customizing a piece of jewelry easy. Personalizing components doesn't require a trip to the local engravers or extensive equipment. All you need is a hammer, a metal block, and the stamps and you're on your way to creating one-of-a-kind creations that literally spell out your artistic vision.
To enter to win this set of letter stamps PLUS a BONUS design stamp is very easy! All you have to do is comment on this blog post. One lucky winner will be randomly selected from the comment section of this blog post on Monday, (February 28th) at midnight EST. Make sure to leave your name if it doesn't already appear next to your comment for easy verification. (Anonymous comments without a name will unfortunately not qualify to win these great prizes!) This giveaway is open to all participants, including international readers.

Bonus Points: You can earn extra chances of winning this beautiful set of fine pewter pieces by blogging, updating your Facebook page, and/or Twittering about this Thursday Giveaway. Please include a link to the PJ Tool & Supply website and link back to this blog post to qualify! Don't forget to add your act of social media kindness as a separate comment for your additional entry to win!

Extra Bonus Points: Take a visit to the PJ Tool Jewelry – ImpressArt Facebook page and LIKE it. Once you've successfully LIKED their fan page, head back over here and leave a comment saying that you've done so. CLICK HERE to visit their Facebook page. Their Facebook page is a great place to find out more! There you'll get new product releases, the latest company news, information about fun contests, and a unique glimpse at the minds behind PJ Tool & Supply. It's also a great platform to share images of work you've created with other ImpressArt metal stamp enthusiasts!


TesoriTrovati said...

Such an awesome giveaway Andrew! I love all my stamps. This is a fun font for sure.
Enjoy the day!

Mei Tan said...

Thank you for another great giveaway.
Sure can do lot if I win :)

Regina said...

Wonderful, thanks to you and PJ Tool & Supply. I have one of these on my wish list, will my wish come true?

Mei Tan said...

Tweeted about the giveaway here too.!/WireBliss


Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

What a generous giveaway! Please include my entry. Thanks!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you for the chance as a set of stamps is on my wish list.

Michelle said...

What a great give-away! These are just way too cool for school.
Thanks Andrew!

Jeni said...

Oooh, sign me up! Thanks for such a great giveaway Andrew.

Crazy Mama said...

this is an awesome giveaway! i would be so elated if i were chosen. thank you for offering such great things on your blog!

Jenny said...

These look like great stamps - what a fun design! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Thanks Andrew!

Carol D. said...

I would love to win the stamps. Thanks!
Carol Dillman

Janice said...

Oh my goodness, what a fabulous giveaway. I would love to win this.

Mel said...

OOh this would absolutely make my day (ok, month). Thanks for the chance to play with these cool stamps!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That's a great giveaway!

Carol D. said...

I have just announced the giveaway on my blog, for another chance to win.

Carol Dillman

Claire Maunsell said...

Looks like fun! Very cool font...

moonlitfantaseas said...

I would so love to win this give away! I am just getting into metal work, so this would be a wonderful addition to my tools! Thanks for having such wonderful gove aways Andrew!

moonlitfantaseas said...

I would so love to win this give away! I am just getting into metal work, so this would be a wonderful addition to my tools! Thanks for having such wonderful gove aways Andrew!

rockcreekcreations said...

What a wonderful set! I would love to have them!!

moonlitfantaseas said...

I also bloggedabut your give away

Katie said...

I love metal stamping! What a great giveaway!

Juli Cannon said...

I've been looking at letter stamp sets for a while now~ LOVE the font on this set.


Katie said...

I just became a Facebook fan...and made a comment on their wall. :)

Carol D. said...

I just "liked" P J Tool on Facebook. Now thinking up projects for these new stamps.
Carol Dillman

glassgirl said...

Love the new stamps!
Rschneck @

Unknown said...

This is a GREAT Giveaway Andrew! Youre Always so generous. These fonts have a really nice feel to them! Thank you for the chance and Ill also FB this and Blog about them tomorrow! xx
My Blog:

Lucid Moon Studio said...

Do not enter me because I have already won this on another blog, BUT I want to attest to the quality of these stamps! I have a cheap set from Harbor Freight, and these are SO much better! Very high quality. Good luck everyone!!

Rachel S. said...

Would LOVE to win! Thanks!

Emerald Window said...

Ooooooooo. Cool Stamps. Would love to stamp out something clever and creative.

Unknown said...

Oh this is cool. Great giveaway. hope it finds it way to germany.Thanks a lot for this great blog.

Pascal Pinther

Niky Sayers said...

Fab giveaway, I've not tried stamping yet but it is on my list of to do!

Niky Sayers said...

Have just blogged it at

steufel said...

Wow . love to have these:-)

hello gorgeous said...

hey gorgeous, thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway ;o)

Keeping my fingers crossed....

SO glad you are enjoying your Tuscon trip, so many exciting things....


hello gorgeous xxx

KeRobinson said...

OMG! This giveaway is to drool over!
I love that PJ tool :)

somethingunique said...

Hip Hip Hurray!! What a wonderful givaway! I would love a stamp set toadd to my other 2 sets i love adiing personal stamping to my designs. Thanks Andrew :)

sandi m said...

I could put this one to real use.
Thanks Andrew!

Jeanne @ Gems By Jeanne Marie said...

Another fabulous giveaway!
This would start me in a new fun direction!

fireflymyst said...

I visited their facebook page and clicked like! Awesome stamp set:)

Linda said...

Hi Andrew....what a wonderful give away! Who wouldn't like a chance at that right? Love reading your posts too :)
Smiles~ Linda

stacilouise said...

I have had my eye on their stamps!!! Would love to own a set:)

Spicy Pisces said...

I love these stamps and this would be a great first set!!

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

Oooh, I've always wanted some of these stamps. What a great giveaway!!

Shirley said...

Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. I would love to have these stamps to get started in this aspect of jewelry making.
I have also "liked" their Facebook page.
Big Thank You to PJ Tools!!!!

Susan Marling said...

What a fantastic giveaway. I have been wanting to get a letter stamp set and have drooled at their website. Maybe this could be my chance:)

Alice said...

I would love to win this stamp set. For a long time I've wanted to try stamping on metal, but just couldn't justify the expense of these stamps.

Thanks for the chance to win!!!


Alice said...

I posted this giveawy in the sidebar of the blog:


Alice said...

Thanks for the FB link to PJ tools. I 'liked' them.


D Fritz said...

I enjoy your blog and would love to win these stamps! DawnF

Jenny said...

Hey over there! I have FB liked them. I have commented here. I have reposted on my FB. Can I win the stamps now please?
Gee thanks!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Shared on FB. Would love these stamps!

Erin S said...

Awesome giveaway! I'd love these!
Erin S

melissa flickinger said...

what a great give away! thanks so much!

swopemelmel said...

This is an awesome prize. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed !!!

EmbellishYourself said...

I love their new design stamps and alphabets. I would love to win. I have like their facebook page too :)

melissa flickinger said...

posted a link to your blog and pj tools and my facebook!
thanks for more opportunities to win!

melissa flickinger said...

nor emore chance to win...i have liked PJ Tool Jewelry facebook page!
thanks a million!

Amy Kuczewski said...

I'm just getting into metals, this is an exciting chance to win! :D

skygrazer/Christy said...

Great giveaway. I checked out some of their other designs - they have a nice selection.

EmbellishYourself said...

I also shared the giveaway on my facebook page with a link to your blog and the ImpressArt website. Oh and my name is Jenny :)

Monique said...

What fun! I love your blog and thank you and PJ for the opportunity!

Monique said...

I LIKED PJ Tool Jewelry - ImpressArt's fb fan page...and learned about their new set that will do great on my wedding jewelry!!!

Tamara Honaman said...

Andrew - thanks for the heads up on this fab give-away! Tammy

Cynthia said...

Another fabulous give-away!! I'd LOVE to win these stamps!
Thank you for the chance!

Monique said...

Tweet! Tweet!!/MoniqueWilber

Peggy Li said...

Andrew, great giveway thanks for hosting it!

Peggy Li said...

I have "liked" PJ Tool Jewelry's fan page on Facebook. Thanks!

plcpeggy said...

Retweeted the Thursday Giveaway...

GeltDesigns said...

Cool giveaway. My daughter and I could make some really great stuff with a new font! Stamping is such fun.

Jennifer's Charmed Life said...

What a great gift to whomever wins it. How generous of you. It is a beautiful font and I can say I wouldn't mind having it!

Heb said...

I "liked" and I thought I posted a comment here but maybe not?

Courtney Breul said...

Love these and thanks for the chance.

Diva Jewels & Co said...

I love the Impress Art! I am an owner of the Boogie Ballroom and it is such a fun font to create with :) I also liked the FB page :)

John Dearden said...

I have been eyeing these for some time. These are nice. I may have to buy a set soon.

Shellie Meehan said...

What a great give-away! I would love to add this set of stamps and design stamp to my collection! Thanks Andrew!!

Shellie Meehan said...

Just posted a link on facebook for the give-away! Thanks!

Shellie Meehan said...

"Liked" PJ Tools! Love their company! Very inspiring products!

Anonymous said...

Meagan Ellenberger
I love theses stamps. They are so beautiful. Good luck all!!!

Anonymous said...

Meagan Ellenberger
"Likes" PJTools on Facebook...YEAHHH!!

Anonymous said...

Meagan Ellenberger
Ok Updated my facebook status with a link to PJ tool and PJ Tool Facebook, as well as


Megilon said...

What a great giveaway! I was looking at some of their stamps the other day.

flyingbeader said...

Those are just absolutely delicious. I've seen other artists' blogs use them & would love love love a set.

Debbi Andersen said...

I liked PJ Tools on FB!

Debbi Andersen said...

I love PJ Tools I have purchased a few items but would LOVE to win more!!!!

Sharon Wagner said...

I love anything Art Nouveau style, it would be wonderful to win these stamps! I liked PJ Tool on FB too!
Thanks Andrew!

Sharon Wagner said...

I posted links back here and to PJ Tool & Jewelry on my FB.

Hannah said...

I would love to win these stamps!!!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Great giveaway. Thanks.

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

I would love to win this giveaway!
Shannon C

cjvierow said...

These look so intriguing--would be fun to try metal stamping. Thanks for the chance to win. CJ

Jennie said...

I've been wanting to try metal stamping for a while now. Thanks to you and to PJ Tools for this awesome giveaway!

rosebud101 said...

That's a great give away! I'd like to win so that I could go over to FB and post a photo of what I made using the tools. Hmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Love the stamps! Pulished the giveaway on Facebook and now "Like" PJ Tool and Supply! Thanks Andrew... have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

awesome giveaway! I've been drooling over those sets and can't wait to get my hands on one!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! ♥

Barb said...

I have been lusting after a set of these for years! Thanks for the chance!

Barb said...

I have been lusting after a set of these for years! Thanks for the chance!

KayzKreationz said...

I love stamps and I don't think I have any of theirs yet. Thanks for the chance.

KayzKreationz said...

I already "Like" their page and watch for their updates all the time. Thanks

KayzKreationz said...

Just tweeted about your giveaway and linked to your blog post and the PJTool website.

KayzKreationz said...

Just updated my facebook page about the giveaway.

Elisa said...

Andrew you are awesome and so are these stamps!

Lisa Yearwood said...

Hi Andrew, this is Lisa from Barbados. Love your blog and that font. Would like to take a class with you sometime in the near future....

Teri Bildstein said...

Teri Bildstein - I've wanted to try stamp work - these look extremely straightforward - thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

Teri Bildstein said...

Liked on FB

Teri Bildstein said...

Shared on Twitter, personal FB page and jewelry FB fan page, and ETSY teams

(Can you tell I really want to win?)

snow.moon said...

Cynthia Madden-I am still an "aspiring" I would love to try stamps like these. lovely font. Thanks for the opportunity!

MoonRae said...

This is a great giveaway Andrew!! Thanks sooo much

MoonRae said...

Liked PJ Tool and commented on FB, username is Sharon Siqueiros

ggs said...

Throwing my hat in the ring ;)
-- Gail S.

snow.moon said...

Cynthia Madden- K, I "liked" PJ tools on Facebook.

BooBeads said...

Wow, thanks for the opportunity Andrew and thanks to PJ Tool for their generosity!

Hope I win!

BooBeads said...

I shared on FB as well!!/profile.php?id=100000510051965

Cat Pruitt

BooBeads said...

I liked their page as well :)


Cat P.

Mellisa said...

Very cute stamp set! I've stopped stamping because of the boring standard font on my set :)

A Little Of A Lot said...

Awsome stamp set !!

Ms. Russell said...

I bought a small, plain set of stamps from PJ Tool & Supply at BeadFest last year. They're great-- but this new font is really fun! Can never have too many sets of stamps, right?
Shayne Russell

Laurel said...

Ohh, love this set. Would love to win it!

Laurel said...

And Ijust "liked" the site on FB because I will be buying some of these stamps, wether I win or not. :)

J-Designer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J-Designer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J-Designer said...

Just twittered!/j_designer, and blogged, about this giveaway!


J-Designer said...

I have been wanting to get a set of these for a while now!!! YAY!!


Edie said...

What a really cool font - I don't think I've ever seen it before. I'd love to use it on some charms - I'm just learning to stamp metal.

purpleone at gmail do t com

J-Designer said...

I liked PJ Tool Jewelry-Impress Art on Facebook!!!!


Edie said...

I just liked them on facebook, too


indigo heart said...

love letter stamps! count me in!

Kharisma Sommers said...

such awesome giveaway. count me in!! :D


Kharisma Sommers said...

I just liked PJ Tool on facebook!


Kharisma Sommers said...

I also shared in my facebook >> Kharisma Ryantori Sommers


Kharisma Sommers said...

Twittered too!


Joe Madl said...

what an awesome give away! i love these! thanks!!

Inca said...

Those are so cute =)

Karen said...

What fun I could have with these stamps :)

Danagonia said...

Those stamps looks great!

Danagonia said...

I've also liked on FB :-)

Danagonia said...

Posted the links to my FB paige :-)

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm new here. I found out about your blog from J-Designer's Atelier!
I'm following through GFC!

Nally said...

Gorgeous stamps! I'll be holding my fingers crossed )

SueBeads said...

Oh Andrew, I would love to win these!

SueBeads said...

I facebooked it Andrew!

Janelle Zorko Schultz said...

Thanks for the opportunity. I love the font and would love to have the chance to try them.

Raida said...

What a great giveaway, thanks!

Unknown said...

Great items to make beautiful stuff with!!!! Great Giveaway!!!!!!!!!

Dzign by Jamie said...

Very cool! I liked PJ Tool's facebook page, blogged and posted on fb!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=1876241110876&id=1386686404

Jenny Steinbeck said...

Great giveaway as always! Thanks for doing this.


Winchell Clayworks said...

Love this font!

earthlyjewels said...

What a great giveaway! Hope I'm the lucky one!


KipperCat said...

Wonderful giveaway! These look like a lot of fun.

surrounded by mercy said...

Did it, and love these stamps. I bought 2 sets when they came in and they are wonderful quality too. Impress-ive!

Miss said...

Fantastic giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers!

Unknown said...

Always looking for new tools and free tools are the BEST. What a great way to get the word out and see what other people are doing with them as well.

StacyinKs said...

Wow!! Would love to win these! :) Thank you for the chance! :)

Stacy in KS

KayzKreationz said...

Didn't know if we could tweet more than once for a chance to win, but tweeted again today about your giveaway.

Libby said...

I would love to own this set! Your giveaways are the BEST.

Lody said...

I'll be thrilled to have this stamp set!

Lody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lody said...

Tweet the giveaway!

Lody said...

Liked PJ & Tools at FB!
aka Bead Embroidery

Lody said...

Shared the giveaway on my FB page!

Lody said...

Blogged it here:

Becky R. said...

I don't have this font yet...would love to win these stamps!

Becky R. said...

Thanks for the link to PJ Tools. I just "liked" them on Facebook.

rwampler said...

Having only used the basic set my grandfather left me when he passed away, I was quite excited to find this giveaway! Love this font and will keep my fingers crossed!!! Thanks Andrew!

rwampler said...

Posted on Facebook on Rich Wampler's Page

rwampler said...

Tweeted it under DadnMeMagnetics!
Thanks Andrew! Hope to hear from you soon!

FeatheredGems said...

Just 'liked' you on Facebook both as myself (Kathy Johnson) and as my biz page, Feathered Gems Jewelry. It would be awesome to win this stamp set!

Lauren said...

This is an amazing giveaway! I've always wanted to be able to do metal stamping. Thanks for doing this!

She Loves Wine said...

Wonderful give-away and so very generous of them. I used a set once for mixed media and would love to have a set for that. I do jewelry but mixed media is my love. Great blog.. just found you and will follow.

Kiki said...

Pick me!

Unknown said...

How wonderful! Please enter me, I just joined your Facebook page, too...I love to create...thankyou!

cw whitedogjewelry said...

Andrew, great giveaway! Shared on FB. I would love to have these to start a new way to design. ' very generous gift, indeed!

stephanie T said...

I LIKE PJ Tools on Facebook! I just love their Impressart stamps. :-)

stephanie T said...

I purchased the Wonderland lowercase stamp set from them when PJ Tools was at the Tucson To Bead True Blue show earlier this month. :-) I would love to have the uppercase as well. Great giveaway! :-)


The Bead Gypsy said...

What a great giveaway, Andrew, as usual, you pick the most delectable items to enlighten and awe us with :-)
I went to PJ and liked them, I will now go to FB and add links to your post and their site--then I'll come back to tell you about it... ;-)
Take care,

The Bead Gypsy said...

Ok, that's done-posted link to your Thursday Giveaway on my FB page and one to PJ Tools FB page :-)

Thanks again for the opportunity, Andrew!


tuberoseabsolute said...

What a great giveaway, I would love to win this...thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I have been wanting to do this for so long but the stamps are so expensive!

Unknown said...

Fantastic giveaway! I'd love to have these:)

Shyme said...

Wonderful givaway! I'm in...

/Jenny Vidberg

Shyme said...

Have shared this on Facebook as well.

Shyme said...

And liked PJ Tool Jewelry – ImpressArt Facebook page

Shyme said...

Have also Bloged about it!

Heather said...

Mmm, am I too late? Is it ok for people from Australia to enter? I'd love the prize. Hopefully entering this is my ticket in to win. ;-) I'm Heather Goldsmith, by the way. ;-)

Karoleen said...

What a great giveaway! =)

beadsinbeauty said...

I admire your generosity! Hope to win the stamps and have some fabulous fun!Sincerely,April Blue

Anonymous said...

Meagan Ellenberger
OK I Tweeted about the giveaway with a link to PJ Tool too...Can't Wait to see!!!
In case you need it :)

Ema Kilroy said...

Thank you for offering these as a giveaway. I love these stamps and have not been able to buy a set for myself. Please enter my name into your generous giveaway.

Ema Kilroy said...

I forgot to leave my email addy

The Fibers of Life said...

Well Andrew, my friend Karen Yowell shared this giveaway with me which sounds wonderful. You certainly have a lot of followers but then who would absolutely drool over a set of stamps?

LoveStoneArts said...

You are a high energy guy- love your stuff!! I'm a fan of PJ Tool & Supply and use their ImpressArt stamps.

cathy/ said...

What a fun, whimsical font! Nothing like new tools (toys)to get the creative juices flowing!
Many thanks!

Bonnie Kreger at B-LEE KREATIONS said...

Andrew, those are wonderful. Love those stamps. Met some of those guys at Tucson and they were giving away stamps.

This is really generous of you.

Coty said...

Thanks for the chance at another great giveaway! The stamps are so pretty.

Dee said...

Andrew, these stamps are so awesome! Thanks for the chance to win them. My name is Dee and I can be reached at

Dee said...

Andrew, I just went to the facebook page and liked PJ Tools Jewelry! Another chance to win!!! Dee

Dee said...

Just left a tweet about trying to win these adorable stamps! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Dee said...

And now I've left a note on my FB page about hoping to win this set of stamps! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Charis Designs said...

What a great giveaway- haven't done any stamping yet, so this would be a wonderful way to start! Thank you for doing this.