Everything is grey outside. It's rainy and a little bit cold and I get very tired when it's like this. I don't like to leave the apartment and I can feel all the things I need to do mounting, one by one. Especially after being sick, all I want to do is hibernate.
It's raining here, too. and check out these 'guys' near Boston...http://www.hencam.com/index.php
The HenCam
Resting is good...you'll be better able to catch up on stuff later if you let yourself rest now.
They must be miserable. I know if I had to sleep in a pen where it was raining and snowing on me, I'd be not so happy.
They get to go inside, too, but I guess some of them prefer to be out. Maybe they're looking for food, in which case I'd be unhappy, too...
Btw, this was a Libra full moon, maybe that's not helping your mood today. I've been feeling it pretty strongly myself. Hibernating is good, though, it gives you a chance to catch up with yourself.
Oh, tell me about the not feeling so good. I feel like all of my creative energies are spread out. I actually had a bit of an incident at the studio, with me freaking out a little bit. Everything is wonky.
My thoughts are with you today. I know how difficult these days can be. In my experience, when I feel like everything is upside-down, it usually means that something inside is trying to come up to the surface, and maybe I'm not comfortable about letting that happen, so sitting quietly and asking inside to see what it is can give it space for me to see or feel what wants to come up. Resistance only brings discomfort, usually the insight that comes up is not as bad as I thought it might be.
Hopefully that helps in some way.
That was very helpful Cindy. I did need to take time to reflect. I also went out and saw some of my friends and talked with them a little bit. That was also helpful. Sometimes the people who we draw to us, whether consciously or subconsciously act as mirrors for our own self-reflection.
That's really nice to hear...and I see all the color that came back to your life in your other entries for today! You are quite wise, like your owls (my favorite, too). Everything is a mirror, you're right...it gets a little disorienting sometimes :). I'm guessing the year before what I originally thought...but you don't have to tell me :).
I never tell. :-)
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