I just found out that I didn't get into any of the grad schools that I applied to. Alas. What's one to do? Eat some cake with LOTS of frosting! What's next? Maybe travel or get an art-related job. Maybe work in a jewelry store or take continuing education classes at
SVA. This is definitely forcing me to think outside of the box.
Sorry Andrew. Im really surprised. Although it could be a good thing. I was just telling Lisa that you would make a fantastic teacher and should give the Art Fest type retreats a shot. You could design all sorts of classes that loads of people would want to take! What if we traveled around in my airstream, teaaching classes on sculpting or painting? Yeah, we'd probably choke each other by day 3.
I was a little surprised as well. I'm graduating at the top of my class at one of the best art schools in the country and the schools I chose to apply to didn't seem like the most competitive schools to get into. I talked with one of the directors at the one I was looking at the most and they said that they were looking for very specific candidate who's work matched best with the current faculty and students. My stuff is different.
I was talking with Karen Michel about how that'd be a lot of fun. We could tag-team teach.
I'm more optimistic; I think we wouldn't choke each other until after the second month.
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