Friday, April 06, 2012

The Guardhouse...

I won't write too much in this post, because I think the pictures do the talking.  They speak of a quietness and a stillness in the Guardhouse that we stayed.  I will say that this is definitely one of those places where spirits reside.  Maybe someone could prove me wrong, but from the brief time we were there, it was evident that there was something "otherly" present.  When our roommates left to go into town, Cynthia and I would be sitting in our room when the telltale sounds of someone walking up and down the stairs could be heard.  They squeaked and creaked with every footfall.  And when we would poke our heads out to check, no one could be found.  Like I said in the previous post, I don't think what was left behind was hostile, just there... evidence of a different time and another life.

1 comment:

Kathleen Lange Klik said...

Freaky. Something similar happened to my cousin a while back when she stayed at a B&B.