When it snows outside, I do not leave the house unless I absolutely must. As beautiful as it is in its cold way, I prefer to be warm and dry. I enjoy looking out at the snow more than I like to be in it.

From the window, I saw a family of deer pass through. I caught the stragglers in the picture above, but there were many more. The property we're on doesn't allow hunting, which makes it one of the few refuges in the area.

While I was looking out the window, I noticed an intricate, lace-like pattern of frost on the windowpane – tiny, little, crystalline shapes branching out along the corners. I couldn't help but shiver when I saw these wintry things!
So beautiful!!!!!
Wow the most amazing photos!
Beautiful photos! Stay warm today!
Love the pictures! Especially of the frost on the window!
beautiful photos,your property looks amazing
I know that you do not like being cold, but these photos are so beautiful and awe-inspiring. I love the quite that winter brings. A great time for self reflection. Trees without their leaves are hauntingly wonderful. Thanks for sharing these photos, Andrew.
Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your lovely world. I hope that you are well and weathering any storms, physical and metaphorical, that are blowing your way. So jealous that you will soon be in the fun and sun in AZ. Wish I could be in your class, too!
Enjoy the day, Andrew!
Where do you live? What a gorgeous view you have, with that in view there is no need to venture outside. Far more magical behind glass. You might be interested in some things I have written on my blog.
Wrap yourself in a warm sweater and the love of your friends and family. I loved your pictures, especially of the frost ferns.
Those are lovely & gave me some ideas for wings. Thank you & YES! you need to keep warm & safe after what you've been through
It is very beautiful but I'm with you Andrew - I would rather be inside than out when I see photos like these! Although, the snow is so much more lovely in the countryside than in the city.
Andrew I think you live in a small Glimpse of Heaven!! Soooo beautiful gee such a winter wonderland! Stay warm and hope you are feeling ok.. ox
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