I love yogurt and I love supporting good causes like
Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Currently
Yoplait is combining my loves by donating $0.10 for every pink lid returned. Hopefully you've been saving your lids and enjoying LOTS of yogurt. The deadline is fast approaching, so wash them up and ship them out for the lids to count! The deadline is December 31st!
CLICK HERE for more information.
As a matter of fact, Andrew, I have been saving my yogurt lids. Thanks for the reminder on the mailing date! And have a wonderful Christmas!!!
I like it that they do the donation, but I hate it that they make us buy single serving containers, which makes more plastic production, which makes more breast cancer, and then on top of that they make us wash and mail lids.
If they simply wanted to donate to breast cancer, they should donate 2 cents from every dang yogurt sold.
You know?
As usual, no one, including Yoplait, is tremendously interested in my input on their system.
The system is definitely not perfect! And I agree that it would be better if they could just automatically track it. I think I heard about a website that you could just enter in the UPC codes, but I never saw it.
We use our cups to start seedlings (with holes drilled in the bottom) or to hold my paint water. After they've been used, they're washed and then recycled. Hopefully these small efforts counteract their production a little.
Great cause, for sure. I'm glad companies like Yoplait are doing things like this, though I do agree with the "flawed system" comments as well. We use our plastic in other ways, too; usually for paint water or to hold beads while working on projects. Recycling is also a great program.
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