Now that everyone is gone and the house is quiet, I'm a little blue. Admittedly, there is so much to do before Tucson that there really isn't much time to be sullen.
Also, with the New Year's Eve party right around the corner, there's promise of even more entertaining moments to be had. This year the menu will consist of my spin on traditional lucky foods. I've got lots of delicious dishes planned out. (I'll have to find a deep fryer for one of them. So you know it'll be good!) I'm also building a playlist of appropriate songs for the get together. Any suggestions? I've found a lot of goodies on the new Pink Martini album. Their multi-traditional, non-denominational approach to a holiday record has been really helpful and pairs well with the theme of the menu.
Below is video of them on the Jay Leno show performing "We Three Kings".
Pink Martini are great, I've seen them many times as they are local artists, and I really love them! I'm glad you had such a nice christmas, I do love your cats Paulo reminds me of a couple of my cats.........I hope your new years celibration is lots of fun for you too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thank you for the introduction to Pink Martini, different, but good. Happy New Year! Would love to see your menu and the list of lucky foods.
Andrew, try the Puppini Sisters!
The kitties look all grown up now. I enjoy when you post pictures of them. I love reading your blog. It is a respite for me and puts a smile to my face.
Andrew, I wish you and yours a happy, healthy new year.
Best to you always,
I hope your holidays were lovely!!
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