Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jamie Hogsett's New Blog...

While we were in New York, I had the pleasure of seeing my good friend Jamie Hogsett. You might recognize her name from one of the many books she's penned or designed for, like Stringing Style or the Create Jewelry Series (whom she co-wrote with Marlene Blessing.) Did you know that Jamie has a new blog?
CLICK HERE to visit it.


Jamie Hogsett said...

Thank you Andrew! It was great to see you in NYC. I just wish we had a chance to hang out. One of these days... xoxo

jeweledrabbit said...

Hi, Andrew. Before I can give you some pointers on getting started in the gym I'd be curious to know why you were so traumatized by your first experience there.

If you don't want to post about it in public you can email me using the Contact Me button on the top right of my blog. :o)

Andrew Thornton said...

Yo, Jamie! It was good seeing you in New York. I do wish that we could have chilled. It would have been fun to go around and check out the sights and what not. Everytime you're in New York, we only barely have time to say hello. Alas... next time maybe.

Truth be told though, I'm just now getting over my cold and I was so tired after working the show that I was what you call, knock-down-tore-up-tired. So, yes, write it down... one of these days.

We still haven't gotten mint juleps yet. And that's years over-due.

Andrew Thornton said...

Hey Maureen,

I think the source of my gym trauma came from going to a rather seedy gym. The personal trainer stepped way out of line and was overly sexual. That and my body burnt like hell-fire afterwards. When I went back to cancel the membership, the counter person was nasty and made some rather harsh comments about me being skinny and puny. Of course I'm sugar-coating the comments a bit, but all in all I was pretty turned off by the whole experience.

In my most recent move, there's a gym a block away and I've been tempted to try it out. It seems like a much more friendly environment and I am feeling the need to take better care of myself. That and launch my career as an international super model. HA! Just kidding about the latter.

Thanks for any help you could give. Cynthia says that I should get a copy of the New York Ballet Workout and use that instead of going to the gym since it doesn't require any equipment and they are ripped.