The lovely
Lisa Kan has a new
BLOG! We both write for
Stringing Magazine, but it wasn't till a show in Charleston, SC that we met in person. Ever since, I've been a fan of her stunning lampwork and her detailed writing style. Check out her book,
Bead Romantique!
it is great!
OH My Gosh.. I'm on Andrew Thornton's blog and there's no goofy pictures of me either! (smile)
Thanks buddy for mentioning my new blog. This means I better be good and keep it up!
Help me spread the word on my 3 Day 60 mile walk with Softflex Sara Hardin. Details on my website and blog. Thanks buddy! I'm determined to show the world what beady people can do when they join together to help others.
I'm glad that we're mobilizing the bead community and making this an important cause!
Wow - thanks for spreading the word for us! This is great. :)
Soft Flex Co.
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