Thursday, February 28, 2008
Lisa Kan's Blog...

31 under 31: Young Women in Art Photography...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Beard Papa's...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
DIY Party at the Museum of Art and Design...

The evening will feature workshops, craft beers, a DJ, and guided tours. My friend Iviva Olenick will be leading an embroidery workshop focusing on embroidery as text or a narrative.
Above Left: McCarren Park (2007), 5.75" X 3" embroidery on fabric by Iviva Olenick.
I Hate Perfume...

Monday, February 25, 2008
Illustration Friday: Multiple...

Jen Tong's Art Blog...

Tilda the Triumphant...

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Glittering Beaches...

Coney Island has a notorious reputation for being a dirty beach littered with hypodermic needles, drug-baggies, and used condoms. No one seems to mention that the sand sparkles. I remember walking along the beach one early morning hunting for beach glass and seashells and seeing the sands glittering in the early morning light. At first I thought that the Jergens's Soft Shimmer Skin Radiance Moisturizer (which I sometimes use) had washed off and that I was polluting the beach and that all the fish in the near by area would die. But then I realized that after years of having the waves pound the jetties, mica flakes were scattered throughout the sand. It's too cold for a trip to the beach right now and I'm in no condition to go anywhere at the moment, but the thought of walking along the glittering beaches warmed by the sun makes me feel a little better.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Down For The Count...
I've been horribly sick these past couple of days. I've got a nasty stomach virus. I've hardly left bed all weekend. It hasn't been very good for my productivity. Ugh! I'm going to go lay back down now.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Glass Bead Design Challenge...

In this design, I've incorporated borosilicate glass from Family Glass, Czech Glass from Raven's Journey and Czech glass dangle pendants from Beads and Rocks, Swarovski Crystals from Fusion Beads, coral and vintage German Glass from Talisman Associates Inc., and copper chain from Ornamentea. Don't forget my favorite bird toggle from my family at Green Girl Studios.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I think that's what I'd like. I'd like to simply enjoy life and work out some thoughts that have been building up in my brain. I'd like to finish some of my writing projects and finish paintings and start new ones and do some drawings and make some jewelry and just have time to make... I never have time to make things anymore. I'll think about these things in a half-daze while I doze in and out of consciousness as I sway upon the train. All I want is more time...
Monday, February 18, 2008

The Request...
Today I got a message from a girl I went to high school with requesting a photograph of a mural painted on the front of the gymnasium. It has been recently painted over and she's trying to drum up support to have it repainted. Here was my response:
Dear Friend,
I've been good. Busy, but good. How have you been?
I don't have a picture on-hand. I'm sure that were I to go back to Florida and dig through some boxes in storage, I might be able to come up with a photo... however a trip down South isn't in the foreseeable future.
It would be best to contact someone like Teacher-Lady. She's got photos from every year stacked up in piles. As the former Newspaper adviser, she's bound to have at least one clear shot.
My personal opinion is to leave it the way it is. I think that we try too often to hold on to parts of us that are in the past. Each of us has a season. Each of us were once young, younger, and still younger yet. Every generation is bound to make their own connections and create their own Time. Let them have their Time. They do not need to be in the shadow of a giant Indian, faded by age and decay. Leave the past in the past and move forward, lifted up by your memories but without trying desperately to cling to something ephemeral that cannot really be captured by paint or by anything else.
And as I recall, it wasn't a popular "piece of art" when it was freshly painted in the first place. Nostalgia for times past has a way of distorting our feelings towards things, making us more sentimental for things that we don't always like... then or now. So, I say... leave it painted over. I've got my memories and they're better than any recreation of a bad painting can ever be.
Simplicity Always,
Dear Friend,
I've been good. Busy, but good. How have you been?
I don't have a picture on-hand. I'm sure that were I to go back to Florida and dig through some boxes in storage, I might be able to come up with a photo... however a trip down South isn't in the foreseeable future.
It would be best to contact someone like Teacher-Lady. She's got photos from every year stacked up in piles. As the former Newspaper adviser, she's bound to have at least one clear shot.
My personal opinion is to leave it the way it is. I think that we try too often to hold on to parts of us that are in the past. Each of us has a season. Each of us were once young, younger, and still younger yet. Every generation is bound to make their own connections and create their own Time. Let them have their Time. They do not need to be in the shadow of a giant Indian, faded by age and decay. Leave the past in the past and move forward, lifted up by your memories but without trying desperately to cling to something ephemeral that cannot really be captured by paint or by anything else.
And as I recall, it wasn't a popular "piece of art" when it was freshly painted in the first place. Nostalgia for times past has a way of distorting our feelings towards things, making us more sentimental for things that we don't always like... then or now. So, I say... leave it painted over. I've got my memories and they're better than any recreation of a bad painting can ever be.
Simplicity Always,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
New Discovery...

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Opening Reception at Exit Art...
Above: A short video clip of the crowd at the opening reception.
I was fortunate enough to make my out to Exit Art to catch the opening reception for Brainwave: Common Senses. It's their current show featuring a bevy of talent from a wide range of artists in various media. It was really great seeing old friends and seeing the work of Naho Taruishi and Suzanne Anker up close and personal. CLICK HERE to see the rest of the photos from the evening.
Friday, February 15, 2008
While We Were Away...

Brainwave: Common Senses...

Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Spiderwick Chronicles...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
New (and last) Specimen Prints...
While I was away, the new and final Specimen prints from Amy Walsh arrived. I am a little saddened that there won't be anymore. However, I am thrilled to have completed my collection of these amazing hybrid creatures masterfully wrought by a talented artist. I like to sit and look at them, thinking about where they live and what they eat and how they go about their lives. I'll post pictures of them when I have them all framed and mounted on the wall.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Wintery Home...

My plane was delayed taking off, then delayed in landing. We were put into a holding pattern over La Guardia, circling over and over until we were running low on fuel and had to land in Hartford, Connecticut to refuel. Hours later after taking off and once again entering into a holding pattern over La Guardia, we finally landed. I am finally home. I am exhausted. My sinuses are burning like fire. It's time for bed.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Goods...

Now it's time for bed for real!
My New Owls...
Day Seven...
What an exhausting day! I am completely wore out. Today we went shopping. (Normally a fun activity, but in excess... utterly draining.) We started out at the Roadway Show at the Quality Inn, then we went to the Gem Mall, and then back up to the Quality Inn and then back again. I've been getting sick, so it hasn't made things much easier. Nor has it helped that everyone is leaving or has left already. Eva left today and both Cynthia and I were really bummed out about it. We're both very fond of her... so it was particularly sad to see her leave. I don't know when I'll see her next.

After we finished up shopping, Greg and Bob picked us up and we went out to a Japanese restaurant for bento boxes. The food was delicious and tasted very healthy. The restaurant is called Yoshimatsu. To the left is a picture of Greg with Azalea at the restaurant.
Still yet there is much packing that needs to be done. My sinuses are blocked and my head hurts. I'm going to lay down before I have to catch my early morning flight. I will miss my family, friends and this community that we create once a year here in Tucson.

After we finished up shopping, Greg and Bob picked us up and we went out to a Japanese restaurant for bento boxes. The food was delicious and tasted very healthy. The restaurant is called Yoshimatsu. To the left is a picture of Greg with Azalea at the restaurant.
Still yet there is much packing that needs to be done. My sinuses are blocked and my head hurts. I'm going to lay down before I have to catch my early morning flight. I will miss my family, friends and this community that we create once a year here in Tucson.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Day Six...
Today was the last day of the shows and it was bittersweet. I have enjoyed my time here in Tucson so much! It is great to be surrounded by my friends and family and to be inundated with creativity. I really do cherish this opportunity. It is such a blessing to be apart of such a vital and strong community. I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss as we packed up our booth.
Left: I got these lovely Raku beads out in the tent at the Best Bead Show early in the morning. (I'm really glad that I got there early so that I could look around a bit.) The finishes on the beads are great! I love how rustic and organic they are.
Left: Cynthia spotted this Anne Choi brooch (one that she hasn't made in a long time) in one of the other vendors' cases. She quickly snapped it up and gave it to me. Isn't it remarkable? I know it was hard for her because she also collects Anne Choi beads. It was very thoughtful and generous of her to do so, when she could have easily kept it for herself. Thank you Cynthia!
Left: Heather Wynn left yesterday. I will miss her so much! She's one of my best good bead show buddies! With people I like, I always feel as though there isn't enough time with them. She really is a true darling. Not only is she an amazing soul, but she's very talented.
Everyone is leaving and if that wasn't disappointing enough on its own, I've been a little under the weather and sneezing like crazy. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a bunch of drama
in the air, but what can one do? Just plan ahead for next year, I suppose. Every obstacle will be overcome.

Everyone is leaving and if that wasn't disappointing enough on its own, I've been a little under the weather and sneezing like crazy. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a bunch of drama
in the air, but what can one do? Just plan ahead for next year, I suppose. Every obstacle will be overcome.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Tucson Sunset...
Day Five...
I'm more than a little bit tired, but having a great time! I was back at the Best Bead Show today. I didn't think I would be back today, but it looks as though I might be finishing out here instead of at the To Bead True Blue show as originally planned. Today has given me the opportunity to visit more with some of my other bead show buddies whom I haven't seen in a long time.
Left: I always love seeing Jodi and Heidi of Lillpilly Designs. It's not just because they've got great work, it's because they've also got an amazingly calm and soothing energy about them. It's almost guaranteed that they are always smiling. It is ever so nice to catch up with them.
Left: Speaking of Lillypilly Designs, here are the new pieces that I picked up from them. Aren't they GREAT? I always enjoy using their merchandise. It is so elegant and delicate-looking. I really can't wait to make some pieces using these goodies.
Left: One of the things that Cynthia and I look forward to every year is getting gazpacho from a place called Delectables here in Tucson. Show days can be long and grueling, but enjoying a cup of this manna from Heaven is refreshing and delicious.
Left: Cynthia bought me a tray of Czech crystal from Lafaye of Beads and Rocks that are full of sparkle and glittering shine. I could hardly choose what colors I was going to get, as there were so many to decide from, but I finally narrowed it down.
Left: Here's a sweet picture that I snapped of Tony and Lisa Blackwell of Zoa Art. Not only are they our neighbors at the Best Bead Show, but they are also sharing our rental house with us. It has really been fun being next to these two love-birds.

Friday, February 08, 2008
Swarovski Party 2008...

Day Four...

Left: They had a plethora of choices. The larger brown one was named, "Henry." The smaller white one has yet to be named. Aren't they just adorable? I am going to add them to my dragon's horde of owls.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Day Three...

Hopefully we'll continue the tradition next year and give everyone who didn't get a chance to come this year a little more heads up. I can hardly wait...
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Day Two...

When we finally went back to the house, we went out for Indian food. Since the show closed so late, it was hard to find a place that was open. Luckily we found a place that was both open and delicious!

Left: Here's Alethia Donathan behind her booth. She's got some lovely beads that she makes out of glass. Alethia is one of the owners of a bead shop out in Hawaii and teaches beading to a group of advanced high school students. She and Candice bring me goodies from from Hawaii! I love them!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The Yield...

Day One...
So, eventually I got here. It turns out that the snow that I was so concerned about canceling or delaying my flight ended up benefiting me. Who knew? I got stuck in traffic on the way to the airport and was running 30 minutes late! Crazy. When I got to the airport they said that my flight had been delayed slightly and that I had plenty of time to catch it. What luck!

Left: The very talented Heather Wynn and I. I don't get to see much of Heather Wynn these days, which is quite a shame. She's one of my good friends who is one of the sweetest people I know, a genuine good spirit. Heather Wynn makes really gorgeous polymer pieces.
Left: Here's a picture of Azalea! We found a dandelion on the way out of the party and she started blowing on it... making lots of wishes. Seeing her is my wish come true!
It has been a long day and I'm tired. It has started off as such a nice trip. How could one not be happy when they are surrounded by their friends and family?
Many hours later, Greg and Bob Burkett were picking me up from the airport here in Tucson.
It was so nice to see everyone. Our friend Eva is helping out with the shows and it was really good to catch up with her. I haven't seen her in a while now since they've moved out to the Northwest. It was also delightful to see Tony and Lisa Blackwell of Zoa Art who are sharing the house with us. Best of all... it was really wonderful seeing Girl Wonder! She's getting so big. I hugged her so much.
Today was the first real day that I was here in Tucson. We were setting up at the Manning House for the To Bead True Blue show. Make sure to drop by and say hello! We're in the atrium.
After we closed down for evening on the first day, we headed over to the Interweave Press Party at the Tucson Museum of Art. It was a lot of fun!
Left: Here's a quick snapshot of Katie Wall of Fusion Beads in Seattle and Heather Wynn of Milton, Florida.
Part of the reason why Tucson is so wonderful is that you get to see all your friends from the shows. Sometimes it'll be months (if not a year) from the last time you saw them, and sometimes they are your neighbors and are right around the corner.
Left: Our local friends from Asheville, Tony Blackwell of Zoa Art and Melissa who works at Chevron Trading Post. Tony makes the most beautiful glass beads.
Left: Melinda Barta of Stringing and Beadwork and Jamie Hogsett of Family Glass and author of several books. Jamie wrote Simply Stringing and co-wrote the Create Jewelry Series with Marlene Blessing. Melinda just finished up a book on focal pieces and will be working on a new one with Danielle Fox.

Left: The very talented Heather Wynn and I. I don't get to see much of Heather Wynn these days, which is quite a shame. She's one of my good friends who is one of the sweetest people I know, a genuine good spirit. Heather Wynn makes really gorgeous polymer pieces.
Left: Here's a picture of Azalea! We found a dandelion on the way out of the party and she started blowing on it... making lots of wishes. Seeing her is my wish come true!
It has been a long day and I'm tired. It has started off as such a nice trip. How could one not be happy when they are surrounded by their friends and family?
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