Thursday, January 31, 2008
Leslie Alfin's New Site...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
So Good It Hurts...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cinko Studios Website...

New Anne Choi Bead...

Odette New York Blog...

Monday, January 28, 2008
New Specimen Print...

Hope On The Horizon...
It has been an exhausting few weeks. My day job has been an overwhelmingly dominant force in my life lately. Although I enjoy my co-workers and love the company I work for, I'm simply wearing myself a little thin with all the work demands. Getting ready for Tucson has also put a pinch on my time and is furthering the fraying. However, today I felt help had finally arrived. We had a meeting today and I feel that things are finally going to level out a bit. I don't think the full effect of it will be felt until a week or so after I get back from Tucson, but there is hope on the horizon for the salvation for my mental health and well-being. Perhaps I'll even have a little more time to paint again?
I also think that Tucson is just what I need right about now. Taking in the desert and being around some of my favorite people in all the world will be good medicine for the soul. I am most excited about seeing my Girl Wonder! She's getting so big and I feel like I've missed so much time with her. Hearing her laugh instantly makes things so much better. After having become so close with my family, being away from them for such a long stretch of time and not celebrating the holidays with them has been particularly hard. All that is about to be remedied in a week's time. I've been scrimping and saving and got some extra special gifts for them!
I also think that Tucson is just what I need right about now. Taking in the desert and being around some of my favorite people in all the world will be good medicine for the soul. I am most excited about seeing my Girl Wonder! She's getting so big and I feel like I've missed so much time with her. Hearing her laugh instantly makes things so much better. After having become so close with my family, being away from them for such a long stretch of time and not celebrating the holidays with them has been particularly hard. All that is about to be remedied in a week's time. I've been scrimping and saving and got some extra special gifts for them!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday Morning...

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Red Sky In Morning...

All That Glitters...

This kind of bummed me out a little bit. I used to go out and do a lot of things, from symposiums and concerts, to art openings and book readings, to all sorts of things. I remember when I had time to read books and watch movies. And when I wasn't doing these things, I was making art and making jewelry. I think the core of my happiness is the making of things and I haven't been making nearly as much as I would like.
And to help alleviate my distress I stopped at a deli on the way home and made a surprising discovery. I had heard tell of the new Limited Edition Häagen-Dazs flavor, but had not seen it myself until last night. Caramelized Pear and Toasted Pecan. Yum!
It has temporarily worked its sweet magic on me to feel content for the moment. Now I must go out and buy every single container I can get my sticky fingers on so that I never run out. And being that it is something that I enjoy, it is naturally made as a limited edition item and won't be available forever. I have made a comparably tasty gelato with pears, but I have a hard time finding twenty minutes for myself let alone the four or five hours it takes to make said gelato.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Art Bead Scene: Ice Storm...

Monday, January 21, 2008
The Salt Mines...

At the determent of my blog, I've been tremendously busy lately. I've been working like crazy and haven't had much time to sleep, let alone blog. Though I've making lots of goodies for Tucson, which I'll take pictures of when they're all finished up. I can't wait to go out to the desert. I've been missing my family and bead show buddies something fierce. I also need to restock on chain. I do go through it rather quickly.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Crying Eye Bead from Anne Choi...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Good Fight...
Oh, will this never end? I hate being sick. It always seems to be so inconvenient. I've been trying hard to fight off this little bug I've got. Every time I think I'm gaining some ground in my recovery, there's another battle in which I must painfully expel great amounts of yellow-green mucus from my nasal passages. All this clearing of blocked sinus passages has given me frightful headaches. It doesn't help much that I haven't got much time to rest. Always working nowadays. But I'm happy for the distraction. It's odd, but when I'm sick and wallowing in bed, it seems to last longer. Though when I have things to do and work that needs to be done, work that can't be delayed by illness... it seems to be much shorter in length. Perhaps it's my imagination... or maybe it's the headache talking.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Illustration Friday: Stitch...

Hopefully I'll be able to make more time to make new pieces for Illustration Friday, because I think that's half the fun - having a deadline and a weekly prompt to work with.
Chinese Harry Potter...
Now that the final Harry Potter book has come and gone, there has been a hole in my life. I've desperately been searching for a replacement to fill the void that has been left. Along my searches, I came upon the Chinese Harry Potter books. Although they seem like they might fill the niche, unfortunately they are just other fantasy stories (like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings) that have been rehashed together. I guess the search continues...
Here are some of the covers and titles of the fake Harry Potter books:
Here are some of the covers and titles of the fake Harry Potter books:

(Left): Harry Potter and Leopard-Walk-Up-to-Dragon. (Right): Harry Potter and Filler of Big.

(Left): Harry Potter and the Golden Armor. (Right): Harry Potter and the Water-Repelling Pearl.
Friday, January 11, 2008
New Specimen Prints...
I ordered these Specimen prints by Amy Walsh quite some time ago. They just arrived! Apparently, they were delayed after getting caught up in a postal service nightmare. I am so happy to add them to my collection. Having been under the weather, this was a perfect little treat to brighten my day. CLICK HERE to get your very own by visiting her Etsy shop. These are truly special.
Under the Weather...
I haven't been feeling very well lately. Everyone has been pretty sick around me and for a while I thought that I was invincible to malady. However, I've succumb to the germs and fallen a little ill myself. Eek! I've got so much to do and I feel just horrible. Luckily I have a few days off and I can focus on taking care of myself and getting better.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Tucson Skies Up Ahead...
It just dawned on me today that Tucson is coming up and is less than a month away. I've got some interesting projects lined up for this year's shows. All I need now, is time to complete them. It looks like it's going to be a busy month.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
The Nixie's Song...

Saturday, January 05, 2008
Contemplate the Goat...

And now, after five years, I have found it again! All it took was the right words in Google. Not only is this wonderful company a manufacturer of amazing products made specifically with men in mind, but they are all reasonably priced and provide tons of samples and free music and all sorts of goodies. They do all this with a sense of humor and fun!
Friday, January 04, 2008
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian...

Catch a Falling Star...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
All Things Are Labor: Stories...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Breakfast for Dinner...

This New Year's Eve was a quiet one. No crazy dressing up. No midnight kisses. No champagne count-downs. It was spent with friends and I think that's what is important. Sometimes the pretense of what things are supposed to be over-shadow what really is. I don't know what is to come down the road. I can only hope for more genuine moments.
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