I wanted to share a couple of pictures from the trip to Asheville that weren't included in the original posts. Some of the pictures I didn't have at the time and others were ones that I had hard copies of and had to scan in manually. Hope you enjoy some of the highlights of the trip!

Above Left: Azalea posing in the toucan photo-op cut out at the Greenville Zoo. Above Right: Me with a foam crown at Azalea's birthday party. I wish whoever took this picture had warned me to wipe my mouth. I have frosting on my mouth from the cake we got at Picnics.

Above Left: Sheila hamming it up for the sketch machine at Chuck E. Cheese. Our mom is ever careful to point out that Sheila would always "pose so hard" for all the pictures she's in. Above Right: Another Chuck E. Cheese sketch. This one is of me. It looks like a mug-shot for America's Most Wanted.

Hi Andrew lol yea Chucky Cheese makes some great fotos! my husb and my grandson we have fotos of them too not bad! I remember years ago when CC had a "show" where the bears danced around and all that was very cool too I remember thinking This is Awesome!
They still have a "show" there. I thought it was quite disturbing, but Azalea seemed to like it.
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