Just over two years ago, William and I set out to find a home of our own. To be honest, it's not something that I ever thought would happen for me. When I was younger, I lived a more transitory life and moved every year or so. The idea was appealing, but it didn't seem like a match for my lifestyle. Later, it just seemed impossible. I accumulated a huge student loan amount and that had long-reaching effects. When I was 18, I didn't know anything about debt to income ratios or credit scores or deferment. The words "principal" and "interest" had far different associations back then.
But as our small business dreams grew and we set down roots in the community, homeownership seemed more possible with each passing day.
After searching for awhile through the conventional means, we turned to... of all places... Facebook. We had just looked at a house, but it fell through because it was in a flood zone and the flood insurance was more than the mortgage. We were sort of desperate and had already mentally started the process of moving on from the place where we used to live. I put a post out on Facebook not knowing what to expect, if anything at all. Surprisingly, at least for me, I heard back about this house.

And then things fell through.
Because of the situation of the homeowner and our finances, we just couldn't make the numbers work out. It was disappointing. I saw myself with William swinging on the porch, talking and laughing. I saw us planting a garden and playing with Paulo and Babette on the stairs. When I dreamed, I dreamed of this house and I could see it so clearly in my heart and mind.
When we couldn't make it work, we were crushed. But we were hopeful and kept looking.
We were about to place a bid on another house, one that we didn't love, but could see the benefits of. And then we heard from the daughter of the homeowner. We had grown friendly over the course of us looking at the house and they wanted to make it work. So, we set up a lease to own option. Of course, this oversimplifies everything, but despite the highs and lows, we finally found a place called home.

We finally got everything to align. Many thanks to our financial people, our family, our friends, the family we are buying the house from, and everyone involved. To get to this point has required so much patience, fortitude, and good-will. We so very much appreciate everything and for enabling us to live our dream.
The last step was an appraisal and home inspection. This is very nerve-racking for me. For one, I'm somewhat territorial. When I've created a nest, I only allow a few people into it. I also have this somewhat irrational fear of being judged. So an appraisal is sort of a double-whammy of anxiety. Strangers coming into your home who's sole job is to judge you and your house. Our small business spills over into our home a lot and that means that it isn't the tidy, neat, organized abode straight out of the magazine pages. It's not "dirty", so much as visually chaotic and cluttered. I know where everything is, but it doesn't look like anyone would. In addition to our everyday clutter, we have tackled a few DIY projects that we work on as time and money allow. Also, in my mind, the worst case scenarios play out... where they'll notice a hairline crack or a chip in the paint and everything will fall through again. I think that because I'm also gay and a minority, it adds even more pressure, because I'm always worried that they might not have worldviews that align with ours and they'll retaliate.
I try to engage in positive thinking and manifesting the best outcome, but when one of the basic needs for survival is threatened, such as shelter, it can heighten the emotions and up the crazy factor by ten. I know that worrying doesn't make anything better, but it's easier said than done. For the past few weeks we've been cleaning, stressing, finishing projects, stressing, cleaning some more, stressing some more, and just sort of trying to maintain life all while internally freaking out.

And... now... we... wait. We are hopeful that everything works out favorably and we can finally put this process behind us and finally enjoy living in our own home. We are ready.
We're sending you so much love and positive energy!!!
Some of this sounds familiar to me. Buying a home is stressful. I never thought I'd own a home, and then my younger sister bought a condo and said if she could do it, I could do it. So I did! But I broke out in hives during the process! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.
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