I'm home from Bead Fest Wire in King of Prussia. It was a lovely time. I wanted to thank everyone who came out to the show and said hello! So many awesome folks dropped by and it was great to connect with everyone.
While at the show, I ran into lots of different talented artists and beautiful people who make this community what it is.

For instance, I briefly dropped by
Joan Miller's booth before we opened one morning. It was nice to get there before all the crowds descended. It was also nice, because I didn't get a chance to leave my booth much throughout the show. Anyway, Joan makes amazing porcelain. I love the artistry that goes behind her pieces. (I particularly love her skulls!) I got a few goodies and am excited to use them!

Another friendly face who swung by the booth was the new mama, Meredith of
Beadalon. Meredith is such a sweetheart. I met her years ago in Tucson because our booth was near the bathroom and she had to walk by each time she wanted to use the loo throughout the week-long show. It's good to see her and it was most excellent to hear that her baby is happy and healthy and will be just the right age to be a playmate of Max's.

I was also lucky to drop by before the show opened to say hello to Amy of
The Bead Goes On. She's great and it seems like we're companion road warriors, because I always see her at the shows. I thought I did a lot of shows, but they're EVERYWHERE! Apparently while Amy was in King of Prussia, Sally was in Charlotte for a trunk show.

I hadn't met Teri before, but I was happy to become acquainted with her. It's funny because I was talking about where I had moved to with another customer and it seems as though Teri is just down the road in Blairsville!
(Our town is so small we have to go to Blairsville to do the majority of our grocery shopping.) Teri is the owner of a great little coffee shop there called,
Stompin Grounds Coffee. It's such a cute place! I'm definitely going to swing by, and not just for the great
Kiva Han coffee, but to say hello to my new friend, Teri!

I wasn't expecting to see these two lovely ladies, but they both managed to make their way out to the show!
Susan Nestor came out from New York City. I was happy to get a little news from the City since I haven't been back since we moved in October.
Gail Crosman Moore stopped by on her way down to D.C. for a talk she's going to give. Neither of them were doing the show, so it was definitely a wonderful surprise to see them!
I love making a blog appearance! It was great seeing you at Bead Fest Wire. Hope it was a great show for you.
See you soon!
Hi Andrew,
I stopped by your booth @ Beadfest Wire. I picked up a little bird charm. Hope it was a good show for you!
I've only just discovered your blog, but I plan on reading your posts regularly from now on.
So nice to see you, Andrew...if only for a minute. I am just home from my time in DC, a long trip, but good.
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