I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has participated in the recent sales, challenges, and giveaways! THANK YOU! So many of you have shown your support and for that I am eternally grateful. I've almost reached my goal to pay off the last of my medical bills. It's a dizzying experience. From something that seemed so insurmountable, to something that has been defeated... it's truly and utterly amazing. So, I thank you. I thank you for believing in me, my work, and for giving me a taste of freedom. Thank you! I could not have done this without you!
Woot! I did my part on Ebay - practicing little to no restraint in buying your lovely creations. I have started my A.Thornton Collection collection! :D
You give so much of your time and talent to others, Andrew, that it is no wonder that they support you now. I wish that I could have been more present in the sales and such, but it has been a busy few weeks. I am happy to know that it went well for you!
Enjoy the day!
You are most welcome, Andrew! You are a very generous person. *smiles*
Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with us. It's wonderful to be able to share in journey and to be a part of your joys.
Your work is a gift! Thank you for sharing it!
Glad you are well!
Awesome news~
You've created community by sharing so much with us; it's just plain fun to support you ;)
I wish I could have bid on a few more items on Ebay, but, well... I hope I did my share too.
And as the ladies said, you are a generous and sharing soul, so no wonder people respond!
Keep up the great work the lovely posts and all the little details that make you "you".
Thank you too!
Hi Andrew, you are more than welcome i wish i was able to purchase more but i will charish what i did purchase and wear it proudly. You are a very sweet soul and i am so happy to be a part of your community of loyal friends.
take care and have a wonderful day
ttfn Lana :)
I also wish I could have bought more, but it is not the best of times for me either (also medical related bills), but I am glad to know that you are almost there, so you can focus now on the other projects at hand.
A big hug,
Like others have stated you have created a close knit community here and the whole experience has been fun! Otherwise I would not of played along!! Knowing that all of this helps you reach your goals makes it all so worthwhile!!
Thanks for the fun!
I'm glad that I got a selection (w00t!) but even more so that it is helping you and your medical bills!! Glad to be a small peice of that!
Those flowers look like another challenge! Maybe Purples next time?
Congrats - It will be amazing to have that huge weight lifted!
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