We ran into the owner of Second Chapter Books. The store is located in Ligonier and is super cute. I actually was talking with her earlier in the year about possibly showing some of my work in her shop. She let me know that the Gelato cafe in the front of the shop had gone out of business and she was looking for a roommate to share the space.
When we moved here, I had dreamed about opening a shop in this picturesque little town right down the road. It has such a good energy. Possibility is in the air.
And that's when it really started to gel that having a shop in an ideal location wouldn't be out of the question. Having my own shop could happen. The expenses were low and I could get started as soon as September.

Ideally I'd like to open a creative space, selling beads and art. Sharing the space with the book store would be ideal, because it'd cover all my passions. Writing, art, jewelry... all in one space. It truly would be a great opportunity. There's enough space to have workshops and do classes, feature my favorite components and artisan jewelry.... and it would be real. Something solid to go to. I had wanted to get most of the work out of the house and into a studio space, but why not open that studio space to others as well?
We're still trying to figure out if we can crunch the numbers to make this dream a reality. I would have to do a fundraiser to get things off the ground, but I think it's definitely doable. I could create a space that's an extension of my blog and focuses on creating a positive space featuring works by people that I love and admire and are hard to find.
Really, the possibilities are endless.
What a beautiful town and a lovely shop! I hope this dream becomes a reality for you :)
It looks so cute! Hope You will do that! Good luck!
May your wish come true! Good luck!
amazing news Andrew! I hope it works out for you!!
Oh, Andrew, what a wonderful opportunity. I hope you can make this work. It seems so perfect for you! Best wishes!!!
This looks like the perfect place to sell your creations. You've got both the talent and the desire to make it work.
Be sure to find some good books to educate yourself on the business of running a brick and mortar shop. Don't be afraid to deligate things that you either don't know how to do, or don't care to do, such as advertising, bookwork, etc.
I'm excited for you!
Sounds ideal, funny how chance encounters sometimes spur our dreams. I hope it all comes to pass.
Andrew - I've been peeking in on you for a while through Lorelei's blog. I have been thinking of this as well - but have never had the convenient space opportunity - which is key. You have the passion and the talent - but location, location, location is key. I talked to many store owners and artists in Taos and Santa FE where I just returned from that operate similar spaces. There are numerous fantastic examples of Open Play/Creative spaces where you sell and display your work as well as sell some special beads or components, offer a class here and there and possibly cooperatively feature other's work for sale too. Very different from the typical "bead" store. I hope this works for you as I am sure it would be a really cool and fulfilling venture.
this is an amazing opportunity..a lot of work..but sharing a space and expenses makes it really attractive.
What a wonderful opportunity for you and all those who would have the opportunity to learn from you.
Fingers crossed that those numbers work in your favor!
What a cute shop! Sending positive vibes into the universe for you. Here's an idea for an online fundraiser: How about having people donate jewelry items or other pieces of art that they made using your beads/materials? A portion of the funds could go to charity, and the rest to your store. Just a thought.
FABULOUS! I hope you can make your dream a reality Andrew!
I'm so happy for you that a dream of yours has a strong possiblity of becoming a reality.
this place looks great...is there traffic both foot & vehicle??? how about in the winter months?? can you tell I've had lots of shoppe/gallery experience?
maybe check out www.jewelrycafe.com they have had a real good thing going....anyway...I wish you all the very best...& :0)
Whoa! Neat opportunity, my friend. I bet that your imagination has been running wild. :)
Hi Andrew, oh my i am so excited for you, sounds amazing and if anyone could pull it off it's you!! so much talent inside of you and a sweetheart to boot. i know you would be successful. i will be sending lots of positive vibes your way my dear good luck ttfn Lana :)
I love it! Pity about the counters and freezers. Are they going to a good home?
The residue of failed businesses always makes me a little sad.
Is Pittsburgh the airport everyone would fly into? About an hour and a quarter away?
I'd love to serve coffee and tea in the Shop, but that's another can of worms. I can field the question to the landlord and see what he thinks. And maybe I could keep the sink. From my restaurant days, I know a three compartment sink is needed... etc.
Pittsburgh is the biggest airport and is not that bad to get to. I will happily drive to pick anyone up who's a friend or teaching. There are also smaller airports, like Latrobe and Johnstown, but they are pretty specific as far as their schedules and where they fly to.
this is so exciting for you~ I'm sending out positive vibes out there :)
what a charming space! how exciting! blessings and wisdom as you decide on your new adventure!
This is surely looking very promising, Andrew!
I'm sure you have the needed passion to see it through.
Keep us posted as to how it goes, it sure will be fascinating to see it growing.
oooh oooh oooh Andrew - yeah! What can I do to help?????
I so hope this happens for you!!
Oh my heart skipped a beat for you - Such exciting news! I'm sending positive vibes your way!
Best of luck with all future plans, it all sound exciting!
Talk about having a dream fall into your lap! Good luck!
Such a cute space! I hope it works out!
It's adorable. I'm excited for you and hope it is wildly successful!
The space looks fantastic! It sounds like you have the passion and inspiration to make your dream a reality! Best wishes to you.
Andrew, I am not sure how I missed this post, but your talk today of a shop made me go back and look. That is an awesome space! I would love to do what you are doing, to have a space to create and encourage others to do so too. A place that is filled with light and color and beauty. A space to invite friends to and to make the stranger a guest. I think that you will do this and it will be a marvelous destination. I am praying for you that it will work out as in your dreams. I believe in the beauty of your dreams, Andrew, and I know that there are so many others that are rooting for the Universe to open its arms wide to you and embrace your dream. Make it happen. Will it to be. I will cheer you on.
Enjoy the day!
FANTASTIC! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about it!
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