Here are some answers to the some commonly asked questions:
1. No, I do not have anymore kits available. However, many of the products in the kits can be tracked down from the artisan vendors themselves or via other online bead retailers. (The vintage pieces and the mystery components are harder to find, but hey, that's what makes the kits special.)
2. No, I can't set any kits aside special. They're sold on a first come, first serve basis. Even if you are my best friend.
3. No, there is not a special Bat Signal for kit releases. If you want to stay on top of when the kits launch, either check here often or become my friend on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.
4. I generally post in the middle of the night at the very end or very beginning of any given month, if that helps to narrow down when they'll post. Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts they're posted later or earlier than I originally anticipated. Please do not send "is it here yet" emails. They will post when they post.
5. Nope, still don't have anymore kits available for this month.
6. If you're a artisan bead maker and want to participate in future Design Kit challenges as a sponsor, email me and we'll work out the logistics. Themes for October, November, and December have already been chosen.
7. No, there's no way to find out the mystery components before the reveal unless you buy a kit. It's a secret until then.
8. Sorry! I don't offer expedited shipping. I know it's a time-sensitive challenge, but I live REALLYYYYYYY far away from UPS and FedEx and I have a gas-guzzling Jeep.
9. Still no more kits for September!
Yes, I'm so disappointed that I was not quick enough to grab one. I'll have to stay up all night for the next one.
Just one question though.....are you sure there aren't any September kits left? Just kiddin'. Had to sneak that in there. :)
Given that my challenge kits are going up tomorrow, this post made me laugh!
For some reason I was thinking I'd have to act fast on this challenge! But alas, I missed it ;) Ah well! Next time around is good enough... I will say it's amazing the work you do on this challenge, and I'm really not surprised at all by how fast your kits did sell out! It's a testament to your good name and all the work you do :)
Thanks Holly! It's quite a lot of work to organize these challenges, especially back-to-back. But it has been really enjoyable and has far outweighed any of the unpleasant aspects. My goal is to offer a year of monthly challenges. Then... we'll see!
Bwaahaha ~ Well all my questions are answered. I too did the stalk and reload on page till I went to bed and lo an behold all gone in manana:). Awesome to have such a fun and well loved kit. Will try again next month. Lis
:(( Too bad, I really wanted to to participate in your challenge this month, I suppose I will try again next month. Can't wait to see what everyone does with these awesome kits:))
Andrew, I received my design kit today. Wow! It is just gorgeous in person and so worth the wait! I can't wait to get started. Thank you again for creating such a fun opportunity. Good luck with the gallery opening!!
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