A couple of us who are going to be going this year to the BeadFest Show in Philadelphia got together and decided to host special sales in our Shops! (We could all use a little bit of extra spending money when going to one of the largest bead shows in the country, right?)

Don't forget to check out the other folks participating in the Sale Blog Hop! They've got some really great promotions going on. Make sure to swing by their blogs also to check out the particulars of the sales that they are running.
Hi Andrew.
I didn't know you were coming to BeadFest! I'll be there on Sunday, taking an Barbara Lewis's enameling class with my brother. I'll try to track you down to say hi....It'll be nice to meet you before Asheville.
I'm only going to be in town for Saturday! I won't be working the show, just shopping and seeing folks. I'm going to try and save cash that I would have spent towards a hotel on stuff for the shop! Say HI to Barbara for me! She's a gem!
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