This week's word is "purpose". Create a piece of jewelry, a work of art, or take a picture that, in your opinion, best captures the meaning of the word. Think about the word and its different interpretations and how it makes you feel. Translate it into whatever medium you'd like and then post about it on your blog. Once you've uploaded your blog post, copy and paste the URL into a new comment on this post. Be sure to check out what others are making, inspired by the weekly word. Don't delay; you have a week until the new word is posted.
Here is my offering: A caged flower:
Hi Andrew, that word makes for a very interesting challenge, i hope i have time to partisipate. I just love all of my little "Indonesian Water Buffalo Skulls" i really had Jacks friends going for a bit, i told them they were real skulls from minature people,ha ha i really had them for a few minites they were passing them around and really checking them out they are very realistic looking and amazingly detailed. take care ttfn Lana :)
My word of the week project for you Andrew. Purpose.
Well this word followed me into the next week ;)
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