Just because I won't be going this year doesn't mean that my family won't be there. In fact, Green Girl Studios will proudly be represented and will have some of the infamous texture tools! These are wonderful sculpting and texturing tools; they allow you to get in every nook and cranny. I used to joke around that you can pay $15 for a tool and skip the four years of art school (at $40,000 a year) and have comparable results. Some of you might remember them from ages past. They've recently been resurrected and are finally being manufactured once again.
This year, Green Girl Studios will have a special guest! Bob Burkett is a special friend of the family, who is an amazingly talented bead-maker and a master metalsmith. He and his fabulous work will be present at the show. This is an important show for Bob. He's working to help defray the costs of the medical expenses from his daughter's diagnosis of breast cancer. If you see him, help him and his daughter out by considering one of his pieces.
My family will also be giving away $3 for every Texture Tool sold. If you're lucky enough to attend the show this weekend, please support Bob's efforts in helping his daughter in whatever capacity you can.
Will the texture tools be available anywhere other than BeadFest (i.e., Green Girl Studios website)?
What other ways can we help Bob if we are unable to attend the show? Perhaps Green Girl Studios can set up a link to a paypal site where people can donate.
When Bob's daughter undergoes chemo she will be eligible for someone to clean her house once a month for 4 months. Here is the link. http://www.cleaningforareason.org
I sure would like to be at this show but Texas is so far. I would def be at your table 1st thing buying! And certainly Bob Burketts things. Nice tools Cynthia!
I will be at Beadfest (or as I like to call it "Beadfeast") and will be sure to stop by Green Girl's booth, to check out the tools, and Bob's beads!!
Thanks everyone! After the show, we will figure out something for the site that includes the tools and something for Bob's daughter.
I'll send the link for the cleaning services right away!
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