Today has been a mixed bag of emotions. The best way to describe it, is that I was awestruck. On one hand, I was really moved by the beauty and the hard work shown in the finalists of the
Bead Star competition. There are some really stellar submissions. Of course, I am very proud of my own work and would like to win, but I would easily understand it if others were to make it ahead of mine.

But awestruck has another meaning. Awe is a very human emotion and its origins stem in part from "dread" and "terror".

I was recently alerted to some online forums discussing the competition. Some of the participants of the conversation called me "shady" and "unfair". I won't go into the details of it, because it makes my stomach churn. Needless to say, I was very disappointed that people would have such a low opinion of me. I work really hard at what I do. I don't have any special advantages or upper-hands. Truth be told, I lose more often than I win. I spend meticulous hours on projects that never were selected. Even when I lose, I try to be happy for those who did do well. We are apart of a vibrant creative community and we should be happy for our peers when they do well. For me, creating is an expression of joy... of finding beauty and shaping it with my hands. Talking trash about people taints that experience and is foreign to my concept of creating a creative community. I guess that's why I was so stung by the nastiness shown towards me and my hard work. It goes against the very grain of finding bliss in the act of making.
So, today was a mixed bag. I was awestruck. Some good. Some bad. I'm bruised around the edges, but I guess that's what happens when you open yourself up to the world.
Hi Andrew, I am so sorry to hear about your day. That would be really sad to experience. I hope tomorrow is a better day. I think your work is just great. Hang in there, okay? Riki
This is the crap you have to slough off. People will always do this and it is so unfair.
Surround yourself with uplifting, affirming friends and the others can piss off.
Okay!!! What is up with all these people who have a problem with you? I JUST DO NOT GET IT! Seriously people, find someone else to pick on.
Andrew, you are a true and unique talent in this beading community. Man, this stuff gets me fired up. Sorry!
You have my full support.
That is why I hate forums! Sometimes you find helpful information and a lot of times there is much speculation and gossip. Keep your chin up. missficklemedia is right, surround yourself with positive people and the rest can piss off.
You know people who talk trash have no couth..they will say any thing they feel like it. My husband is from England and let me tell you while they arent a perfect lot they choose their words...and I have alot of respect for that! Pay them no attention we all know youre quite talented and are very hard working Andrew. You know my Mother I dont know where she got the old saying but she sometimes said when someone did you wrong or a bad person she would say.."what do you expect from a pig but a grunt". Enuf said! oxo
I'm disappointed with the nasty comments... but in the grand scheme of things... well... this too shall pass and I am confident that everything will be brighter and better in the future. The world is too big for such petty and little things.
anyone who knows you - i mean KNOWS you - will know that you are genuine and warm and real. i know that. you are my friend. sending love - xo
Don't even listen to that - I have made bad experiences in forums too. Those people need to spend their day in some way and have nothing else to do.
Hi Andrew,
I'm sorry you had to experience such mean and petty people today! I wish there were words that could take away the hurt mean people can cause. However, from following a number of beading blogs, I have seen many people who love you and your work. The mean people are probably just jealous because their designs didn't get selected or if they were, they don't think they'll win. If they were better people, they would try to learn from you and become better instead of trying to bring you down. Keep your head high... you know why you create... and you know that there are far more people who love your work than those who are mean spirited!
Hang in there Andrew! Snuggle those cutie kittehs, and enjoy your life outside of this silly world of jealous beaders. It's not worth it to get worked up over. We all love you and your work is so dang beautiful. People need to understand that if they have a question, why not just go to the source instead of drumming up all kinds of crap behind your back?! All they had to do was send you an email and it would have been the end of it!
you are truly loved and supported by all of us!
Your work is beautiful. I am sensitive too, and I am sorry that the words of other people bothered you. The only thing I can do when I am feeling wounded it to control my own emotions and go to a happy place. Writing things down helps me. I hope it helps you too! Have a beautiful day.
Someone said this to me recently, it's an old quote but I find it comforting in moments like this:
It's none of my business what other people think about me.
I love that. No matter what we do or how we live there will always be those who don't like us or attach their own negativity to our actions. We can't control that. The only thing we can control is our reaction. I'm trying to stop caring if people like me or don't like me, because the more you put yourself out there the more you will have of both.
You're awesome, we love you and to those who can't see's a big, fat raspberry.
Ice helps keep bruising heal faster.
The only thing worse than people talking about you behind your back is people not talking about you at all.
I stay away from forums- they are full of all sorts of people, of course, but they seem to be a particular haven for bitter, unhappy people to spread their own troubles on the waters. And so much bad technical information and advice is given, it hurts my throat.
Could it be that people were put off that you identified your pieces? When I went to vote it did seem that the contest was meant to be blind, so people would vote for the work, not the personalities. Just a thought.
I love you, Andrew Thornton.
I read this recently - "what someone says or does is their Karma, how you react is your Karma"
This has helped me lately dealing with snarky people....
Keep up your beautiful work and there's enough beads and beauty in this world for everyone...Rachel
People who say nasty things like this have a low self esteem. They don't want others to get ahead of them, so they use their venemous tongues to make themselves look better. But it only makes them look bad. There will always be people like this.
Just keep doin' what you do so well; work hard, create beautiful pieces, and inspire the rest of us.
"When someone slings mud at you, let it dry and it will fall off."
Just came across this in an Amish cookbook. I like it!
Your work is great!
Forums are yucky.
But you at not. No one rocks the casbah like you, Andrew!
And I can't proof read.
But you ARE not.
Your work is GREAT!!!!! Remember everyone is not going to like or your work. Just keeping working for those who appreicate you and your work. Have a Bless Day.
People can be shite heads....ignore the forums etc cause negativity can spread and it is NOT you nor your work which is wonderful!
I love what Margot wrote, its a great sentiment to live by.
Forums are great places for cowards to be anonymously spiteful. People who are jealous and fearful stir up that kind of BS. If those people put 1/10th the amount of energy into creating their OWN good, that they do in being envious - they would have a plethora of good things happening to them.
Big Hug to you!
Obviously I only know you from your online presence but from following your blog for quite a while now, I can't believe that anyone would call you shady! Or unfair. THose two words just seem so far away from the Andrew Thornton who writes this blog. People are so quick to bad mouth others. Forums are like reviews, great when they are good but BAD when they are not.
I wanted to thank you all for your kind words. Your support and encouragement really do mean a lot to me!
It's jealousy. I recently went through a rough patch where some people were gossiping and talking smack about me. You know what? I don't really care what they think about me. There's more important things in life then a few people who are so unhappy with themselves that they need to put down other people. Don't worry about them, just keep on creating!
I guess that I am confused. Just how are you being shady and unfair? I have seen quite a few designers identifying their work and asking for votes. Could it just be that they are jealous of your talent?
Lets see if I can get this to work...
The forums can vary a bit, some are more tightly monitored than others, and there are others I will only look at once in a while because they give me headaches.
I don't enter a lot of competitions, but I often know a lot of the artists entering them through forums, so it can make it more difficult to choose, but I tend to look at the design of the work and the technical standards, rather than choosing something because it is made by someone I know.
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