I re-read some passages from
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke and kept coming back to the scenes with the Lady of the Castle of the Plucked Eye and Heart. I probably should heed my mother's warnings of never reading before bed, because I had the strangest dreams about that particular realm in Faery. When I awoke, all I could think about was what the Lady might like to wear and then I set out to make a necklace to suit her.

In my unearthed box from Artbeads.com, I found a box of different colored
Hemp Cord. I normally don't work with fibers very much, but wanted to try it out. I like the rustic quality the cording provides and the earthy tones it comes in.
Below is the necklace that I made with the Lady of the Castled of the Plucked Eye and Heart in mind.

Above is a close up of the focal of the piece.
I think the eye and heart motif and blood red Swarovski crystal teardrops go without saying.
Snappy piece!
I just ordered that book this morning - having realized it was a glaring omission from my library. Having seen the necklace I am all the more intrigued...
your beaded chain takes my breath away. No matter how I enlarge the picture I still can't believe them, beautiful piece
it is awesome!!!!!!
Wonderful piece...I like the different textures, gives it a rustic but still elegant feeling!
Gorgeous! I'm going to cross post from my blog. :)
Thanks everyone for your mighty fine comments. I have been on a jewelry streak... making... making... making. The unpacking hasn't been happening as much, but I am happy to ride the wave of creativity and make until my eyes are bloodshot and my hands are stiff and my back aches and only then... when I'm wore out... finally go to bed.
Beautiful necklace!
And I LOVE that book!!! Yes, I think the Lady of the Castle of the Plucked Eye and Heart would wear that necklace.
Great Post: Here is something useful for all.
I came across a site called Matcha Green Tea that I thought was pretty good.
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