Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not a Punching Bag...

Hello from Charlotte!  Today has certainly been a VERY LONG day.  I'm at a layover waiting for my connecting flight.   Since I've been here awhile and the WiFi is free, I've been fully connected to the internet and have been checking my email.  I was really surprised at the response the post, "On Copying..." received off the blog.  I received a few angry, accusatory emails.  I have half a mind to post them here with the responsible party's name and email address, but I don't want to be petty and vindictive.  In fact, I am not going to even validate the emails with a response.  What I will say is that I'M NOT A PUNCHING BAG!  Just because I'm out there talking about issues and willing to examine different perspectives does not mean that I'm open to what boils down to slanderous hate mail.  I believe that blogging is about creating community and opening up dialogue.  We have a wonderful opportunity to share and express ourselves – but I think there has to be line drawn.  Don't accost me for things I didn't say.  Don't assume how I feel.  Don't abuse my willingness to post my email address.

Okay... with all that said, I'm enjoying the sweet tea here.  

Well, I've got to jet... literally!


peacockfairy said...

Andrew, you are so sweet - you certainly don't deserve those nasty emails. Have fun on your trip.

jeweledrabbit said...

Don't let this kind of crap get to you, Andrew. The internet is a breeding ground for malcontents, and you have to let this kind of thing roll off your back.

Cynthia Thornton said...

Here, send them over to me. I LOVE confrontation. Want to fight? I prefer bare-knuckled and bloody. This attitude surprises me. I imagined your audience to be kind and gentle folk (myself not included). Your post is so neutral, its odd that someone could get fired up over it. Its probably those less skilled persons, with one trick they can do, who feel the urge to attack. So weird to go after you, since your so NICE! Remember, some folks have nothing better to do, or the shame of being second rate rankles their very souls, so much so that they must lash out at whoever is kind enough to listen. Yeah, forget about them, like Maureen says. Listen to just you. And sometimes me ;). Ok, see you tonight.

Oh, and for the poopy few, want to mess with my bro? I'm pretty fired up myself and it has nothing to do with copyright laws, so I suggest playing nice.

Unknown said...

Ten bucks says that the writer of the hatemail copies the hell out of someone's work on a regular basis. If they weren't an offender, they wouldn't have a whole lot to object to.

And yeah, I wouldn't want to get Cynthia mad. Just a thought.


Unknown said...

I agree Andrew is so Nice why would anyone really want to send hate stuff. Copying? I see alot of jewellery with the very same "look" now, so I mean anyone could start easily hollering. I think copying is ok if it understood by the creator that it may be copied (say directions in a magazine)for ones own personal enjoyment. But copying well a persons design really has them stamped on it. Like I said theres so many things now all looking the same...I say create your OWN! Such trifle pettiness...and hate mail? Some scarey people out there...Cynthia go get em! :)
Andrew I saw nothing wrong at all at what youd written...

kate mckinnon said...

It's odd to think that your quite neutral and engaging post should generate any sort of bad feeling in a person. Unless... was it the member of my glass class who broke all of her stringer into pieces?

Ha! It would be a second loser move for her if so.

I replied to your original post in your comments- my feelings on the issue are more complex than my off the cuff rant on that web page suggest.

Nicki said...

Don't let them bother you - above all, you are not only nice, but you are absolutely right. have a good time on your trip. nicki

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Andrew, I've observed that people most often gripe about the very thing they are most frequently doing, so if folks are responding badly it may well be that they have been acting badly. I was planning a post on my blog later in the week pointing to yours, as it is so very neutral and allows others to speak their minds, you only acted as a guide. I hope you would feel proud that you made such a great contribution to the discussion, and I thank you for the link to my post about the subject on the Art Bead Scene, too. Wrap yourself proudly in those emails, knowing that those folks have been touched deeply, and then I hope you can let it go and not carry it into your life any further. Hugs!

Margot Potter said...

My Dear Andrew

We have every right to take a stand and to speak our minds. You did so with total diplomacy and yes, it sounds like a case of guilty conscience.

No matter how we move through the world, we will never please everyone.

"Here's to those who wish us well, and those who don't...can go to hell."


kvk said...

Really curious that anyone could take offense from your well balanced and thoughtful post.
For me - I just wanted to thank you for the diverse links to the assorted posts. I don't take the time to peruse many blogs and this is a great resource.
Thanks much.

Kay said...

Life is too short for all of this enmity. I read your post and didn't notice that you took a stand either way. The fact is that copying exists in many degrees. Did our Creator make the first human and then copy? Is everyone who uses a Vintaj butterfly in a necklace copying whoever was first? "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun." Eccl. 1:9

Heb said...

Your blog is by far the most inspiring and one of the few I take the time to read regularly. Through the wonderful links you provide I have purchased pieces from many talented artists I respect and hope to continue doing so.
You set the bar very high for being a kind and generous human being. More people should be so lucky to be like you.

diane hawkey said...

People are stupid! F*@# Them! You are definitely not a punching bag, I've seen you in person and will testify to that fact.

Bead-Mused said...

Once more, the people who bitch the loudest are usually the ones who are guilty. *sigh* Just ignore them and move on -- they aren't worth your time and energy.

nina said...

andrew, i feel like i could send you a list of people who've also written to me - hateful letters full of spit and venom, which no one deserves. especially you. i love you, brother friend, and know that you spoke kindly and gently from the heart, as you always do. i'll happily join cynthia to take them on. why does being open and honest come with such a nasty price?!
thanking you again for being there - xoxoxo nina

sweet fine day/Jenna said...

wha? but your post was so neutral. You didn't even really post an opinion, you just presented the views of others. Good lord.

FunkyMonkey Girls said...

WHAT!!! Sheesh, some people. I love all the advice that you posted in your blog about copying and copyright laws etc. It is important for everyone to know that. I sure didn't when I started selling my jewelery and now being a wiser person because of you and others, I give credit and be sure not to copy others! I thank you for putting all of these opinions in your blog and I can get into a tussle with them with your sister. I am a older sister too and you do NOT mess with my family either!

Funky Monkey Girl,

Joan Tucker said...

Andrew, Breathe and have fun in Florida. Life is way too short for this crap. Go Cynthia. Joan T -a street fighter from way back...

TesoriTrovati said...

Hate mail? Over that post?!? I just don't get it. I agree with you that blogging is a dialogue and we need to be willing to listen to both sides of the converstation. But to send YOU hate mail is beyond ridiculous. I have read most of those posts and I thank you for keeping the discusssion alive and for putting it all together in one place. If you aren't willing to openly admit your comments, and put a name on it, then I just don't put any weight to it. And those that sent you such nasty thoughts clearly have something to hide. I went and even read the comments that were made, and they were all fine and also enlightening and furthering the discussion. I agree that casting a direct knock-off of say Cynthia's very unique beads is way out of line, but if you take my work published in a magazine and "make it your own" by putting your own spin on it, then I am happy for you. That is what fostering the creative spirit is all about. You are one classy and unique individual, Andrew. Don't let the foolishness of others get you down.

For a great take on the subject, check out Michelle Ward on "Make It Your Own" challenge.

Enjoy the day and your travels, Andrew!

Beverly Herman said...

Andrew, I stop by often and read your blog. It saddened me to read that you got hate mail. I think if someone has time to write mean emails they need to step away from the computer and back in to life. Thank you for being you. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

Sharon said...

Andrew, I have been following your blog for quite awhile, and have made only a few comments
here and there, so I know what a generous and sweet soul you are.

I did read your blog on copywriting and I had responded to Beth's series on copyright laws. I felt that it was a safe place for commentary, as is yours.

I am apalled but not surprised at the response. I feel that some people are threatened by other's success in the jewelry genre, or any art form. In order to bolster their confidence, they lash out with, for the most part, false accusations. This is narcissism to the max. There is nothing to do but ignore them.

I am so sorry you were the brunt of such ridiculous behavior. You possess an excellent gift, please continue to share that with the rest of us!

Unknown said...

What Kay said! I'm following links from other blogs - You really didn't even make a statement about it all - I didnt read all the blogs - but I think that opening ideas up for discussion is a good thing - it's too bad that some people had to be hateful about it - let it roll off -
sorry to hear you got some nasty mail about it all!

Gaea said...

Hey Andrew!
Have a great trip! I find a bit of humor goes a long way! Have a freak free trip! Ok and a bit of sarcasm too!

Beth Hikes said...

You are such a kind spirit! I've been out of the loop for a week and didn't know you posted this wonderful collection of links on copyright. Gosh, I'm just blown away that you were able to collect them all for us in one convenient spot to muse on. Thanks for serving my needs for authentic dialogue, Andrew!!

lorrwill said...

I am always blown away when people actually take the time to post or email something hateful. Blogs are like televisions, if you don't like it change the channel or turn it off.

You are a kind and resilient fellow, you know that? I have deleted entire posts because of the comments. Maybe I am not cut out for blogging, but the way you handled this says you most certainly are!

Shai Williams said...

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that people have nothing better to do then attack you for opinions posted. Everyone has a right to their opinion and the right not to be attacked for expressing it. I just wish that some people would grow up.