Friday, October 30, 2015

To New Beginnings...

Today was a gold star day!  We signed the papers for our new house.  It's finally sinking in that we're going to be in our own home soon.  I think I was holding my breath.  I don't think I was ready to give into the sweet relief that comes with finally finding a place until all the paperwork was taken care of.  My mother always told me to "not count the chicks before the eggs have hatched".  I was worried that something would fall through or that someone would change their mind and that we'd be left without a place of our own.

But... today we met with the attorney and got everything squared away.  It's hard to believe.  When we were living in our tiny little apartment in Brooklyn, I didn't think it would ever be possible.  It seemed like something that would eventually be nice one day, but I didn't really think that we would be able to.  Things sort of fell into place and now here we are!

I feel so overwhelmingly blessed right now.  Of course, I know it'll be a lot of work and I know it's a big commitment, but I think we're ready.  It'll be nice to set down more roots and make new memories in our new home.  Here's to new beginnings...


Anonymous said...


Alice said...

Congrats! I remember when we moved in our very own home after living an apartment for so long.
I know you will love it.