Monday, December 12, 2011

Future Projects...

A blog reader wrote in after I posted about the Mystery Destash and asked what specifically were the future projects that I'd like to tackle.  The truth is... I don't know.  I can think of a dozen or so different things that I'd like to do.  I'd love to do more felting and silk painting.  I had such a blast making that Merino wool scarf the last time I was in Asheville!  Speaking of fibers, I'd love to work on my sewing skills.  It'd be interesting to explore creating jewelry components and adornment out of these materials.

Another project would be to work on my own line of cast components.  I'd love to get some pieces cast in bronze and shibuichi.  I'm just smitten with these metals.  I do love making the pieces that I currently sell out of metal clay by hand, but it would be nice to have some of the more popular ones cast.  It'd open up the selling possibilities and allow me to spend less time on production and more time on creating original designs.
I would also love to add color to my new porcelain pieces with glazes.  Most of my training is in painting and I am curious to fuse these different aspects of my "creative personality".

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted by the new Sterling PMC and Sherri Haab's electroforming kit.  I have so many different ideas of how I could use these new products.  The words "hog wild" come to mind when I think of all the things I could make!

A few extra bucks would definitely go a long way in my creative endeavors.  With the new year about to begin shortly, I want to make creative exploration my biggest goal.  My future projects, whatever they may be, are all about returning to the joy of making.


Alice said...

As I'm looking forward to the new year, I'm feeling much the same as you. There are so many new things I want to try, like fold forming metal, improving my pitiful soldering skills, and working with other mediums such as resin, and maybe polymer clay. I'm one that learns better with a hands on class, and there's nothing around here like this. Plus there's that little problem of money....

TesoriTrovati said...

We are on parallel paths, Andrew, if different modes of transportation! I have been giving my word of the year some serious thought and I keep coming back to one theme. All these new things that I want to try, to break out of my norm, to embark on some new-to-me paths.... explore... that might be my word. I need to give it a few more weeks to sink in.
I am excited for you and the new directions that you are taking!
Enjoy the day!