A couple of friends couldn't make it the actual night of the opening. So, I filled out a couple of papers and got a couple of signatures and had the floor opened up to my visitors. Only about half the people on the list actually showed up, but it was GREAT having the ones that did swing by! It was a lot of fun.
Left: Christy and I striking a pose for the camera. Right: Neil and I.
The amazing artist, Christy, raises a toast.
Me and Jesse looking all sassy in front of The World Undone.
Hey Cynthia, thanks! I worked really hard and I'm thankful for all the support I've received working on the show. I'm sure one of these days you'll see a showing of my work. Fun how everyone else except for my own family gets to really see my work.
Andrew Thornton is a professional fine artist, writer, and jewelry designer. His work can be seen in private collections around the globe. He is a regular contributor to industry-related books, magazines, and TV. Andrew is also the Creative Director of Allegory Gallery in Ligonier, PA.
"The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton" is a website authored by Andrew Thornton. The author of the website aims to provide honest, trustworthy content, observations and advice. From time to time, product reviews appear on this website. The author, to the best of his ability, strives to deliver objective evaluations and opinions, and does not show preferential treatment to outside resources concerning his reviews. The reviews are based solely on the author's honest findings, beliefs, and/or experiences. All materials, services and/or access to events featured in the aforementioned reviews were either purchased directly by Andrew Thornton or attained free of charge courtesy of the manufacturer, distributor or third party related and/or affiliated with the product. Receiving items for review, free of charge, is a common practice in the publishing industry and does not qualify as an endorsement for advertising. No article or review, paid for by an outside resource (publication, affiliate, website), appears on "The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton" without full disclosure.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the product reviews featured on this website, please contact the author, Andrew Thornton, by EMAIL for additional information and a full disclosure.
Hello Andrew! Your show looks awesome! I wish I could see it in person. Your gift isn't done, so don't be alarmed.
Hey Cynthia, thanks! I worked really hard and I'm thankful for all the support I've received working on the show. I'm sure one of these days you'll see a showing of my work. Fun how everyone else except for my own family gets to really see my work.
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