One of the beautiful things about living here is the availability of gorgeous fresh food (without the necessity of selling off a kidney on the black market to pay for it either). I adore farmers' eggs. Everything they're in seems so much better. The yokes are richer and darker, the albumen is clearer, AND they come in fun colors like blue, green, and speckled brown.
It makes me want chickens of my own one day!
why wait. Seriously, chickens rock.
I dream of having chickens but I am gone too much right now.
I wish we didn't live in a neighborhood with HOA covenants. They seem to think chickens should be counted as livestock and not pets. I would have 2 or 3 in a heartbeat!
I agree with Kate McKinnon and Kelleysbeads - chickens are brilliant! And so are free range eggs. My family has always had chickens (we often call them 'chooks' here in New Zealand), and they are wonderful little animals with lots of character.
Andrew, here's wishing you, sometime in the future, many happy, healthy chickens who lay many delicious eggs!
What beauties! Lucky you to have access to farm fresh eggs and produce!
I'd love to have chickens, but we are gone so much we can barely keep up with our two dogs.
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