Last night, bleary-eyed and in need of some solid rest, I looked at my calendar. Probably not the best thing to do before going to bed. The weeks ahead were frightfully packed, filled with many obligations, deadlines, and things to do. So... I decided to do something uncharacteristic and very much against my workaholic nature.... I took the day off.
I took a walk, read a little, and most importantly... slept! I still did a little work, but I tried to keep it the very minimum. I wanted to enjoy having a leisurely day before things really started picking up.
With that said, I'm going to go to take a nice hot shower, finally shave the mess growing on my face, and sleep... again... blissfully.
Hi Andrew, good for you, we all need some "me" time or we will only get run down and then will have to take time off to recoup. i should practice what i preach LOL it has been one crazy summer with a festival every weekend and they are 3 or 4 days long each & then running Jack to physio 3 days a week and still "Domestic Goddess" duties, i have had a house full of ravenous teen boys all summer & i love them all like they were my own & they all call me mom, but man they eat alot.....and have to be driven everyhere cause we live in the boonies.....and the rest of my time in the studio preping for the festivals i am pretty run down. I recieved a very special package the other day.....my bracelet from e-bay...Andrew the pics didn't do it justice at all it is amazing and i will treasure it always, i came across it while looking through some old issues of "Stringing" and was so excited that it is all mine!!! & my bead mixes are so pretty...thanks for everything & the lovely note in the package. Well take care of yourself & i hope your rested up i look forward to checking in more regular now that things are slowing down.
ttfn Lana
Good for you. Just like food is fuel for the body, down time is fuel for the soul.
Truly that sounds divine. I have been so weary of late. It is making me lose focus and hurting my soul. I am hoping that Heather's retreat in September will recharge some batteries. If I can only hang on that long! And with a view like that, you can't help but be refreshed.
Enjoy the day!
So glad I don't have to take time to shave my face! :)
Good for you. If you don't take time to recharge then all of your batteries run down. And that can really effect everything from your creativity to your health. That is really something that I try to remember because when I forget my fibro slaps me in the face.
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