Thursday, September 17, 2009

Impartial and Fair...

I was asked if I was "impartial and fair" about fifty-six times during my time at jury duty. I'd like to think that I am. It would be ideal if I was. Every time someone asked if I was, I'd reluctantly say, "I suppose so." The nasty truth is... I'm not. I'm too rooted in my experiences, in my life and memories, and I have too many emotional connections to really be truly impartial and fair. I have favorites. I have strong dislikes. Conceptually I can separate myself, but at the very core of it, I still get my gut reactions and trust my intuition that's been cultivated by experience.

I guess that's why it's been difficult to muck out my proverbial stables and have a clean house. When I pick up an empty cardboard box, my mind doesn't say, "I don't need this. To the recycling bin you go." It instead says, "You need this. Cardboard boxes are useful. You could use this when you move, send something, or if you need a disposable surface when you're working on a messy project. Remember when you were a kid and didn't have a lot of money and had to transform cardboard boxes into treasure chests and cardboard castles? Remember that one time when you needed a box that was this size and you didn't have it because you threw it away? Keep the box for a rainy day."

When I'm doing a major overhaul, like I am in the midst of now, this kind of thinking gets kind of dangerous. It certainly prolongs the experience and makes it a most dreaded task.

At least I'm trying. Andrew's BIG SALE, as I'm calling it, will go live this afternoon at 2:00PM EST. The name isn't as profound as a "Soul Clearing Sale" but in truth, that's exactly what it is. You won't just be getting a ring or an old Avon bottle, you'll be getting a piece of me, my heart, my history, and everything that goes into what makes me just shy of being impartial and fair.

(OH! And if you blog, Twitter, Facebook, or promote the sale in some fashion, leave a comment and let me know and you will be greatly rewarded!)


TesoriTrovati said...

From one box fetishist to another...there is such potential in a box. It can be a spaceship or a wagon...a care package or treasure chest. We had such a massive collection of boxes in our house at one point, that when we moved them we found they were also mouse condos! Letting go is never easy and giving up can be painful. Just keep your eyes on the prize, my friend, and you will get there in no time. And I there anyone out there who is completely impartial and fair? Really? We all have our own biases and quirks of conscience. Hang in there with the jury duty. I had to do it about 10 years ago (when my son was a baby) and it did end up being a valuable experience. Thanks for sharing your inspiration today!
Enjoy the day!

Patty said...

Andrew, I totally resonate with your outlook, and struggle myself to disengage from the fear of letting go of similar objects. I'm not sure what I fear - being unprepared for some future need (heck, I was a Girl Scout, and "Be Prepared" was our motto!), losing something important, contributing to the detritus in the world's landfills - who knows. It's such a delicate balance, isn't it? Kudos to you for having the courage to let go, and to start new. I know you're going to feel great about it.

Kay said...

I am the same way and I have spent the last five weeks selling and giving away what I can't take with me. It's one of the hardest things in life for us but hopefully keeps us from being found in the center of a veritable junk yard when we're old! I am posting your sale info on Facebook right now!

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

Andrew, I totally agree with what you said about the cardboard box, I am the same way half the time and other times, I have no problem clearing stuff out and moving it on to a new and loving home. I hope your sale goes well and that you will take comfort in knowing you are providing joy to all those who end up with one of your treasures. You and Kate are both a continuing source of inspiration to me.

JennWilson said...

Hey Andrew, just posted a link on my facebook status. Good luck.

Ann said...

Just posted your Big Sale on my facebook for all my beady friends! Good luck! You are inspiring me to host a big stash clearing sell of my own!

Azure Accessories said...

I so under stand about throwing out the boxes, then needing that exact size the next week...I've done it myself many times!

Great sale...I stopped by and took a look...mentioned it on Twitter!!

I do agree with you fair and impartial is almost a bit of an oxymoron...we all can be fair and impartial in certain circumstances but in others not so! Our opinions will play a huge part in how we feel. All depends on the situation...

Hope your sale goes well...


Andrew Thornton said...

Thanks everyone for your support! It is much appreciated in this time of transition!