Sunday, August 02, 2009

Soft Songs...

It rained all day today. The kind of rain that oozes out tranquility like thick honey, surrounding you in a sluggish haze. When the rain stopped, the crickets began to sing. They sang with the cicadas, frogs, and the hushed lullaby of the wind in the trees. It was very tempting to give into the soft songs and relax...
But work calls and deadlines loom.


TesoriTrovati said...

"oozes out tranquility like thick honey, surrounding you in a sluggish haze"
You are such an amazing poet Andrew. Your observations of something as simple as the calm after the storm are really quite extraordinary and a reason why I so enjoy my visits here.
Enjoy the day! (but I know you will!)

Andrew Thornton said...

I'm glad that you like stopping by!