Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mr. Tumnus...

"Mr. Tumnus" by Andrew Thornton
I've always loved satyrs and fauns. I am drawn to in-between things. There's something about the liminal spaces and the creatures that inhabit them. It's in those places where worlds collide and elements meet that truly remarkable and magical things happen. Satyrs epitomize the mix of the wild and humanity in one. There's a freedom that's appealing.

One of my favorites growing up was Mr. Tumnus. I've always thought of, "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" as a holiday book. Maybe because it takes place (mostly) in winter and there's Father Christmas. In my quest to depict different holiday folklores and traditions, I decided to do my version and even though this technically isn't a "folklore"... I'm going to roll with it.

I really haven't done much fan art. I mean, I sort of have, if you consider the pieces that I've made for the Inspired by Reading Book Club fan art. In that case, I've made a boatload. It's definitely interesting territory to explore.

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