Not far from the house is a little block and brick structure. It masks an older stone structure. Occasionally, I would see cars parked out in front and people around it. I was very curious what this little building was. It doesn't look like much, but it was drawing people to it. Eventually I asked one of the neighbors and they replied that it was a spring.

I sometimes forget how lucky we are. We have a well that's spring fed and the water is cool and refreshing. I'm reminded though when I'm traveling and stop for a cup of coffee and taste a foul brew. I'll ask for a cup of water and usually the source of the foulness is quickly discovered. Generally the taste of metals, minerals, or chemicals stands out, pointing to the origin of the foulness and I thank my lucky stars that our water is good and something that people want to bottle from the tap.

Even still, sometimes I'll stop and fill up a jug of clear, pristine water from the spring. If the day is nice, I'll walk. It's perfect for tea and there's something about the process of going to a place for a life-giving resource. It's primal and the process is almost magical. The little ruined building, with flowers covering the roof and the purest water pouring from an old pipe feels sacred. You almost half expect to see faeries and other creatures darting about the ferns and splashing down by the water.
Reminds me of a place where I was on vacation with my parents when I was a child... :-)))
Oh that is wonderful. When I split from my X we had some acreage with a beautiful spring fed pond. A few years later my Son went and visited the place and the new owner had bulldozed it all in with dirt. Can you imagine? Ohh things like that hurt! (and I had little minnows in it..ugh) Springs are a gentle way of reminding us all that All is well! A lovely post Andrew.
You really are lucky. The source of life, on your doorstep!
Oh you are so lucky! I am a tea addict and I have to filter our water to be able to get a decent tasting drink.
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