Thursday, November 14, 2019

Still Available Kitty Companions...

Not long after Paulo's dental surgery, we had to take him back in for blood in his urine. He had to undergo lots of tests and received intravenous fluids. Apparently his bladder was still inflamed from his previous blockage surgery and his bladder walls were thicker than normal. He had to go on another round of antibiotics and go on an even stricter diet with specialized food.

It all adds up really quickly. On top of all the vet bills, his food bill quadrupled. Mr. Paulo's grocery bill is more than two male human adults (that like to eat)! (We've also adjusted the diets of the other cats too, so that they don't end up with the same problems Paulo has.) But what can you do? If it comes to the health and wellbeing of my cats, I'll work harder. They have given so much to me and enriched and bettered my life in so many ways just by being in it. They're like my children and what wouldn't you do for your children if it were within your power?

As of Thursday, November 14th, these are the Kitty Companion Mini Paintings that are still available. The sales of these pieces will help offset the extra vet bills and food costs. I thought it might be nice to post a better picture of each. Of course, if you follow the link, you can see more details. CLICK HERE to check them out in the Allegory Gallery online store.

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