Sunday, March 13, 2016

An Update...

In my last post, I discussed where my 30 day project sort of derailed.  While it wasn't all bad and I did have some successes, I couldn't help but be a little crestfallen.  I think when you start something like this and you give yourself permission to invest yourself completely, you imagine the shiny golden ring at the end of it all.  You imagine yourself triumphant!  And that image is sometimes what gets you through the hard times and makes it all worth it in the end.  It's a tool to help you manifest your dreams and make the abstract real and solid.  But then... when that ring slips from your grasp, and it seems like the dream is dead... well, even with the most sunny of dispositions, it can be a little disappointing.  I won't lie... I was a little sad that I couldn't reach my goal in the timeframe planned.

And sometimes... when you're ready to give up and let go of that thing that didn't come to be, something happens.

I sometimes wish that I could glimpse the masterplan and see how everything is supposed to work out.  Along the way, it can be confusing and it can seem like you're flying blindly, flailing frantically.    Even so, I do think there's a path.  One thing leads to another, and if you're careful, you can trace a delicate finger along the ribbon of causality.

Two things...

Sometimes when you're a little down, it makes all the good things seem all that much better.  We recently were the recipients of tremendous generosity and can't count our blessings enough.  My sincere gratitude goes out to those angels.  Thank you!  You know who you are and we are so thankful.

As it turns out, our initial goal isn't completely lost after all.  I won't go into the details, mainly because they aren't mine to go into, but how it shakes out is that I have extra time to fundraise to make the transaction happen.  Second chances do exist.

I will say this, the Creative heART Challenge isn't over yet!  What I've learned through the evaluation of what worked and what didn't work is I need to listen to the muses and focus on that first.  I'll update as projects are completed and that may or may not fall within a daily schedule.  I'm also not going to give a definitive end time; I'm keeping the schedule to myself and if something strikes your fancy, grab it!  Don't wait!  I so very much want to make this happen, but I also don't want to sacrifice my life in the meantime.  As a result, I'm going to approach this much more fluidly and see if that doesn't generate a better result.  I feel really fortunate for this opportunity and will gladly engage some of those ideas that sparked during the first run of the Creative heART Challenge.  Keep your eyes peeled for more things to come!  Great things will happen!


thisgirl said...

I needed this today, Andrew. It was a timely post for me. I am living a very similar reality these days, and your words gave me a healthy attitude adjustment. Thanks!

thisgirl said...

Boy, I needed this today, Andrew. It was a timely post for me. I am living a very similar reality these days, and your words gave me a healthy attitude adjustment. Thanks!