While I was scrolling through my blog recently, I realized that in the hubbub of moving, I didn't post about my experience of filming for Beads Baubles and Jewels. I shared a few pictures on Facebook, but I didn't get an opportunity to do so here. KS Productions, the team that puts together the show, just sent me the edited promo teaser and I thought that was a perfect excuse to write about my time in Cleveland.

When you're filming a show, even if you've done something a thousand times, things can go awry. It's not live TV, so there is some room for forgiveness, but just like with any business, time is money and the longer a shoot goes, the more expensive it gets. So the goal is to keep the takes to a minimum.
I think things went well, but the hypercritical part of my brain sent up a half dozen red flags after I finished... thinking of where I could have phrased things differently or talked about something else or not said something. Again, it comes with my inexperience with being on film. Eventually you kind of just have to let go of that and just let it be what it is. I imagine that the more one does it, the more leeway they give themselves and that preciousness subsides.

All of the process that goes into making a TV show can be a little intimidating, but luckily I was in good hands and the topic I covered was something that I have a lot of experience with. I've been working with resin for about twenty years now. (Can it really be that long?) I first encountered resin at a neighbor's garage sale. During the 80's, she had made big cardboard earrings decorated with pearlescent puffy paint that were coated in resin. She was getting rid of her supplies and I just so happened to stumble upon them. I didn't have enough money for everything, so I got what I could and proceeded to knock on her door once a week with my crumbled up dollar bills and loose change. Eventually, I think she got tired of me and gave me the rest. I'd like to think that she wanted to encourage my creativity, but more likely, it was to get rid of her pesky neighbor kid.
While my mom was encouraging of us doing crafts, she did not like the idea of anything that could make a mess, particularly anything that could make a sticky mess that would never get out of the carpet. (There may or may not have been an incident with a bottle of Elmer's glue.) So I had to work in secret and made a makeshift studio in my closet. In hindsight, that was probably not the best idea, as it's important to have really good ventilation when working with resin. Ever since then, I've been fascinated with the material and revisit it often.

I had a great time and I hope that they ask me to come back! This experience has encouraged me to do some of my own videos. I know that I said that last time I was on the show, but I wasn't really in the position to take on a big new project at the time. Now that I have a little bit more freedom in my schedule, I think it's a perfect time to explore this medium.
I love Beads Baubles and Jewels, and am waiting impatiently for the new season. That's where I first learned about your work, and wow, what a journey! Congratulations and Happy New Year.
Thanks so much for tuning in and keeping up with my journey! I feel blessed to be a part of such a great show! They work really hard at making a quality show that features some of the coolest things in the jewelry-making world! Thanks so much and happy new year!
I love Beads Baubles and Jewels! Cannot wait until next season and the inspiration i get from it. Katie is awesome!
I just saw your episode on Beads Baubles and Jewels. I love your technique. I could see the brand of molding putty but not the resin. What brand of resin did you use? Thanks!
It's from the same company! Check out Amazing Casting Products! http://www.moldputty.com
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