Friday, July 03, 2015

Unblurred: First Fridays on Penn Avenue...

Cynthia sent me a notice about a show called "DOLLirious" at Most Wanted Fine Art in Pittsburgh.  The show was all about fine art dolls and even included the work of a friend and fellow artist that we've shown at the gallery, Junker Jane.  We don't often venture into Pittsburgh, but it sounded like too much fun to pass up!

We were really impressed with the number of people strolling around.  The art opening was part of a bigger event called, Unblurred: First Fridays on Penn Avenue.  Many of the galleries were open and featuring receptions or special events.  Some had live music and bands playing.  There was a great energy!

Here are pictures of the work of Australian artist, Mahlimae aka Nicole Watt (on the left) and our friend, Junker Jane (on the right).  I really wanted the little Mahlimae piece, but we were a few minutes too late!  (I blame the parking!)  We were happy to see that Junker Jane sold one of her pieces and saw a group huddled around, going back and forth about the remaining doll.  Hopefully they decided to adopt it.

We ended up getting a small, Forever Limited Run Print Poppet plush piece from Dr. Morose and Miss Macabre

We also popped in Artisan Pittsburgh (part tattoo parlor, art gallery, and cafe) and found a lovely print by Adrienne Rozzi of Poison Apple Printshop.  We also ducked into Clay Penn and found a few pieces!  We found a tiny mixed media piece by Gus Fink, a smoking cat piece by Sherry Rusinack, and a sgraffito plate by the owner of the gallery, Laura Jean McLaughlin.  We hopped around a little more, visiting various galleries and stopping by outdoor tents.  In one of the Night Market tents, William found a nice ceramic mug and I found a Day of the Dead ceramic ornament from Araina Marsden.

We ended up sharing a plate of chicken curry, sitting on the curb, watching children play and people walk around, talking, and laughing, and looking at art.  It was a lovely evening and we were definitely glad we went!


Cynthia Thornton said...

I know which pieces you like. I like them too. Probably because they are embroidered.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a perfect evening.

Unknown said...

This looks like it was a fun time. I love those Junker Jane dolls. I remember seeing them on the Allegory Gallery site or somewhere, and they are so charming. Glad to see them again.

Gloria Allen said...

So many Galleries, so little time. Sounds like you had a blast and did a lot of Gallery hops, thanks for taking us along.