Thursday, September 04, 2014


I saw the sunset and thought how very much the fading light and end of summer are alike... a smear of vibrant colors, before the cool darkness settles in.  This has been one of the busiest summers in recent memory, each day brimming with activities, projects, and plans.  In this rush, I've felt a little like I've been floating along with the rapid current.  Being swept away can be thrilling and exciting, but at times, the speed of the spinning whirlwind can be disorienting.

I've been feeling the need to slow down, refocus, and realign lately.  With this in mind, I've been trying to implement new routines to make all that possible.  Some attempts were more successful than others.  Some things will take time to congeal before they're fully ready.  I'm optimistic though and looking forward to restoring the balance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing pic~
I love how Fall brings these feelings on~ to slow down, and take care.
Hoping that your new plans include walks through your gorgeous countryside. ;) Your photos are always so amazing, and your Fall is so different from ours on the West coast. Thanks for this reminder.