Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Washington Square Park...

Around the corner from my work is Washington Square Park. When I need a breather after I get out, I will sometimes stroll by the arch with its tree and renovation fencing. Oddly enough, it does nothing to improve my holiday spirit. Maybe it's that I miss my family and am pretty tired most of time. Who knows? The lights are pretty to look at though...


Sunrise TheSea said...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, friend. Take good care out there in your world. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew, RIGHT NOW I am sending you a huge fat beam of excitement and holiday cheer and eggnog spiked with Southern Comfort and a funky light string and a spin around three times. Yee Haw! You can't feel tired and lonely after that.


Andrew Thornton said...

Thanks Alba. Happy Holidays to you as well. You take care of yourself in your corner of the world also!

Andrew Thornton said...

HA HA HA! Thanks Kate for all your energy and excitement! It's definitely very cheerful. Alcohol and spinning around trees sounds like a combination for puky-puky times, but if I am to purge... it might as well be happily in your holiday fantasy for me! Thanks a million, billion, trillion!