The latest Fall 2006 issue of Stringing has just came out! It is very exciting. This magazine is presented by Beadwork Magazine and Interweave Press, and is full of amazing design ideas and various stringing tips and tricks. Also, two of my necklaces are featured in quarter's edition!
Not only is this a very lovely magazine, but the staff and vision of the group is so amazing that everyone should run out and buy a copy to support both the magazine and the jewelry component manufacturers.
Here are some thumbnails of the projects that I submitted and are featured in this issue:

When I work on submissions for projects and design jewelry, I try to think of the most different and unique ways in which I can put these pieces together. Often times they are inspired and are deeply rooted in my training as a fine artist and studies in Classical Literature. I always like to think of each project as a design challenge and try my best at making something new a exciting.

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